
Astraliths are a collective term used to refer to tokens, relics, and monuments created by the Astarian vitian for the people of Rhaddin's Rest, primarily the Vastaya, who worship them as living gods. These objects are fashioned from a glassy black stone-like substance that has, to date, never been seen to exist in natural deposits on Rhaddin's Rest. They function as a conduit, channeling the power of the people's sincere faith to the celestial fey beings that rule over them.   While the exact form they take may differ based on the intended purpose and function of each individual piece, all astraliths have veins of clear crystal that cut through them, allowing the stone's inner radiance to shine through. Personal Astraliths often take the form of bangles, pendants, or charms. These astraliths are a symbol of the wearer's faith in the Astarum and once attuned to a particular constellation or star, begin to shine with that constellation or star's light.   As a majority-Vastayan confederation of nations, the Astarum Faith is considered the de facto state religion for the vast majority of the Agrian League's member states. Consequently, larger astraliths meant for group worship can be found in nearly every settlement under the League's control. These astraliths are called Temple Astraliths and vary in size based on the importance of the settlement in which they are located. In small villages, they may be the size of a small child's torso while in larger cities they may take the form of large slabs taller and wider than even a master blacksmith with arms outstretched to either side.   The largest astraliths can be found in the capitals of each of the Agrian League's constituent states. These astraliths do not just symbolize the nation's adherence to the Astarum faith. They also represent the nation's loyalty and deep bond with the Astarum. These Astraliths are known as Grand Astraliths and are capable of projecting the image and voice of a vitian, which is the most common means by which the Astarum passes on orders to the governments of the Agrian League.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic


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