Ouzhi Bazha

The Ouzhi Bazha, "Great Grandmother" in Dryzhky, is said to be one of, if not the most powerful entities who reside in the Shardscape realm of Ztavsk. As the most powerful of the mabnya—witches—who reside in Ztavsk, her name has long since been forgotten. Her title is a euphemism conjured by the Ztavayë people who believe that speaking the name of a mabnye is tantamount to seeking their attention. While this may result in bazhlat from any other mabnye, the Ouzhi Bazha is said to be so powerful and deeply wicked that her gaze can destroy lives and ruin families.   Although her existence is a point of contention among scholars, insofar as whether she is a true living being, a historical figure, or nothing more than a figment of local folklore, the nature of the Shardscape makes the matter a purely academic one. The Ztavayë believe in the Ouzhi Bazha so strongly that it is likely she would have manifested as a Begotten God of some descrption at this point, even if she had not existed before.   The Ouzhi Bazha is both feared and revered by the Ztavayë, to whom her existence has never been a question. She is said to reside in a small hut at the peak of the Bazhivy Troka, the "Crone's Mountain", where she rules over the Tobray Bazhya—"Kindly Grandmothers"—as their de facto queen. It is out of respect for her that the people of Ztavsk go to great lengths to prevent trespassers into the mountain and out of fear of her and her kin that motivates the complete ban on children so much as approaching it.


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