Sacramental Astarian

Sacramental Astarian is a constructed language created by the Astarian vitian of the Astarum council. It is the only language in which the members of the Astarum communicate with their most devoted followers as the Astarum faith teaches that mortal tongues are too vulgar for vitian ears while the true language of the vitian of the Astarum is sacred and would only be sullied by gracing mortal ears.   Although there are basic principles that underpin the language, Sacramental Astarian is a convoluted, incredibly complex, highly contextual language with ever-shifting syntax and grammar rules. While this might appear to be counter-productive for a means of communication, it is a deliberate choice on the part of the Astarians to make the language as obscure as possible.   While the difficulty of Sacramental Astarian is propagandized as a test of faith so that only the most devoted and dedicated of servants might be able to commune directly with the members of the Astarum, the truth is that the language is made difficult solely for the sake of being difficult. The Astarians are entertained by the obsessive study of their contrived language and take a sadistic sort of pleasure in watching purported experts prepare for days to weeks for an audience with the Astarum only to stumble on a new rules change.   Particularly amusing to the Astarians has been the development of an industry centered on Sacramental Astarian. Due to the language's exclusive nature, even a rudimentary education in the language is seen as a symbol of social status and intelligence. Nobles lower on the social hierarchy who fail in their Sacramental Astarian education are able to make a living by teaching Sacramental Astarian to the lower classes. And as Sacramental Astarian is an ever-changing language, there is a constant demand for teachers with more up-to-date knowledge.   An interesting consequence of this industry is the creation of a lower-class version of Sacramental Astarian that has become increasingly referred to as Vulgar Astarian. As teachers of Vulgar Astarian are often not privy to the many changes of Sacramental Astarian, Vulgar Astarian is subsequently a far more stable language than Sacramental Astarian. Because of this, it is gradually being adapted by more and more member states of the Agrian League as the official language for laws and legal documents.


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