Starlight Nectar

Starlight Nectar is a unique substance whose method of manufacture is known only to the Astarian vitian. A powerful salve and counter-toxin in its own right, starlight nectar is said to be so potent that even a fraction of a drop can nullify all but the most insidious of poisons or save a person from the brink of death. It is so rare and so valuable to the people of the Shardscape realm of Rhaddin's Rest that famously, not even the entire treasury of a kingdom could suffice to pay for a single drop of it.   The vitian of the Astarum control the distribution of starlight nectar with an iron fist. It is used as an incentive and as a reward for those who dedicate themselves to the cause of the Astarum—a gift given only to those men who have shown their unquestionable and unrivaled conviction in the service of their living gods. As such, the near totality of available starlight nectar in Rhaddin's Rest is in the possession of the member states of the Agrian League, with most of it concentrated in the hands of the older core states.   Another use for starlight nectar is in the preservation of the dead. With the correct prayers and rituals, the purifying effects of the substance can be amplified to the point that upon being applied to a corpse, it immediately halts and reverses all decomposition, preserving the corpse against the ravages of time and any further decay. It is even said to restore the countenance of the deceased to what they must have looked like in the prime of their lives. A handful of the oldest and most powerful states in the Agrian League have used this property to, in effect, immortalize their rulers.


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Aug 16, 2024 18:25

I liked this piece, leads me to wonder about other things like, is there possibility a well-preserved body could brought back with such pristine preservation.