Vastaya Worship

A humanoid race with an affinity for celestial energies, the Vastaya are a people that place considerable cultural value on religion and spirituality. This, however, renders them uniquely vulnerable to a sort of zealous extremism that is rarely seen in other populations. Once a minority ethnic group in the Shardscape realm of Rhaddin's Rest, they have since expanded their numbers and holdings to become the predominant ethnic majority in the realm.   The Vastaya predilection for religious conviction has been taken advantage of by the Astarian vitian of the Astarum—powerful celestial fey worshipped by the Vastaya as living gods—in order to extend their reach and influence to every corner of the realm in order to become the de facto rulers of Rhaddin's Rest. Whether they are aware that their gods see them as little more than useful pawns varies, but few see the truth as a betrayal, instead believing it an honor to be selected to carry out the will of the Astarum on the mortal plane.   Although the Vastaya revere the stars, organized worship takes place primarily during the morning hours. Regardless of location, temples to the Astarum must be pitch black or near enough to it when sealed. This often comes at a great expense, though the one of the functions of a Temple Astralith is to block out external light during times of worship.   Services in Vastaya temples are simple, somber affairs involving communal prayers, the singing of a handful of hymns, and a sermon. These sermons usually serve as reminders of the teachings of the Astarum faith and commentary on topical matters. They are also prime opportunities to disseminate the latest Astarum propaganda.


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