
Velge is a root crop endemic to the Shardscape realms of Rhaddin's Rest and Ztavsk. It is popular for its hardiness, quick growth, high yield, prest resistance, ability to tolerate a wide range of temperatures, soil qualities, and climatic conditions, and the fact that every part of the plant—not just the tubers—is edible. It is the most widely farmed crop in both Rhaddin's Rest and Ztavsk, represented in over 70% and 80% of fields respectively at any given time of year. It is a staple food in both regions and features in almost every meal, most often in the form of brath—shredded velge packed into squares and steamed before being lightly fried.   Until Sarnam's Blight, it was widely believed that a healthy velge crop was immune to pests. This is often attributed to the thin waxy layer that covers every exposed aboveground part of the plant. This coating is an effective pest repellent and recent studies have revealed that it deters crop pests in two ways: first, the waxy coating has a distinctive scent that naturally repels most insects and small animals. Second, the waxy coating on velge is 'stickier' and more 'viscous' than the cuticle of other plants. This means that of the insect species that tolerate velge's scent deterrent, most steer clear because the waxy coating on a velge gets into their joints and limits if not entirely inhibits the mobility thereof.   Velgerute are one of only a handful of insect species that are known to feed on velge. They are uniquely adapted to deal with the plant's defense mechanisms and indeed take advantage of the velge's unique scent deterrent to find plants which they can feed on. They have evolved an enzyme in their saliva that dissolves the waxy coating on velge plants and have developed a grooming behavior that prevents the buildup of the substance on their bodies.


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