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The Arcane are a race of traders and merchants who deal almost exclusively in magic items, spelljamming Helms, spelljamming vessels, and associated technology. They can be found throughout Wildspace anywhere there is a spaceborne civilization.

12 feet tall, lanky, blue-skinned humanoids with long, thin faces and spidery, delicate hands; their long thin fingers have one more joint than most humanoid creatures. They prefer to wear exotic silken robes and broad fur capes or stoles. The arcane are extremely wealthy and appear driven to amass even more wealth. Beyond this, it is extremely difficult to determine what they actually gain from their incessant trading, and what they do with all the gold and gems they acquire. The arcane will deal with almost anyone, and refuse to take responsibility for the use these items are put to. They have sold helms to both humanoid and illithid communities, and were commissioned by the beholders to develop the various tyrant ships, and maintain a registry to ensure that no two tyrant nations have the same design.

Those interacting with the arcane find them cold, efficient, and most importantly, uncaring. They have no concern for local politics or factional rivalries. All they care about is finding customers. They will often make deals with both sides of a conflict, fully aware that their actions may lead to the complete annihilation of their customers in a particular region or sphere. However, their market base is so massive that the loss of a single planet or race will not have any long term effect on their business.

Haggling with an arcane is a chancy proposition at best. Sometimes they will engage in haggling with a bemused smirk, but just as often they will leave the buyer hanging and abandon all negotiations. The arcane do not appreciate being threatened, insulted or blackmailed. Those who attempt to do so will find it very difficult to purchase reliable equipment. An arcane will not raise their hand in anger or vengeance - there are much more enjoyable and subtle ways to get revenge.


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