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Blackthorns Wyvern

A Dhow class hull that "trades" around Bral.
She run's with the minimum crew she can get by on, but is willing to take the right people on as Captain Blackthorn is an ambitious man.


Commissioned Crew

Maximilian Blackthorn

Human, m Bard - Captain/Pilot


Lizardman, m Fighter - Lieutenant and Boatswain

Borjax Farhelm

Dwarf, m Alchemist - Cook/Surgeon/Carpenter

Non-Commissioned Crew

4 deckhands
No dedicated gunnery crews
No dedicated marines.


Goblin, F. Deckhand
She wears a vest and pouches overflowing with trinkets. She carries a battered ceremonial dagger and tarnished kukri as well. Her black hair is pulled back in a tight knot. Her violet eyes lackadaisically let the world flow into them

Daphne Bell

Human, F. Deckhand
This woman is masivly muscled, almost every single one of her veins is visible when she is not flexing. Her shirts and pants tend to be short and undersized for her due to the difficulty of finding a good tailor. Her red hair is unkempt and raggedy. Her fierce blue eyes like to dwell on things.

Nora Giffard

Human, F. Deckhand
She is an attractive woman, lean and moderately muscular. She wears an olive tunic with yellow highlights, and long black pants that bunch up around her shoes. Her auburn hair has been sun bleached extensively. Her face is full, her cheeks are rosy, and she always seems to sport a perfect smile and a twinkle in her hazel eyes.


Lizardman, M. Deckhand
A pudgy man standing about 6'4" and a big perpetual stupid grin on his face. He wears tight fitting pants and a leather jacket, thought he usually doesn't wear a shirt. His voice is smooth and creepy, always level, but somehow just slightly unnerving.

Pay Structure

Crew sign on for a trip out and back to Bral. There are no set wages, instead all profits are pooled and distributed in shares to the crew upon completion of a tour. After payment the crew could choose to sign on again or go their own way. Anything of value found while out to wildspace, be it coin or item is included in this. If a member of the crew wants to retain an item from this pool they can buy it from the pool at a fair market price. Items can be loaned out from the pool as needed. Each class of crew on the table split the value of their number of shares. Wealth acquired on shore leave is considered personal, and must be declared before returning to the ship. Theft from the crew will be delt with harshly.
PositionNumber of Shares
The Ship1
Commissioned Crew1.5
Non-Com Crew4
Danger Pay1

Danger Pay

Any crew that partakes in away activities, landing on hostile grounds, dealing with ship combat or any other activity the Captain deems will earn a bonus in danger pay. Each instance that earns this bonus will grant the participants 1 chit. At the end of the voyage the danger pay share will be divided by and paid out by the number of chits.

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