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Building a Ship


All ships and their equipment can be purchased with a new quasi-currency called Build Points (BP).
BP are an abstaction that represents the capital the players can bring to bare; be it an inheritance, a big score, loans, favors, leveraged properties, or what ever other way the players and GM want to simulate it. BP cannot be converted into gold, nor vice versa, as the gold costs for a piece of sophisticated magical tech like a spell jamming vessel would break the economy of the game. BP can be spent on ships, ship upgrades, cargo, NPC crews, insurance and other things related to ships or lifestyle.

The table to the right represents a "budget" in BP for building a ship of a certain level. To build a ship first choose a chassis and a size to get your starting BP cost for a Lvl 1 ship, then pay retrofit cost for each level you want to raise the ship to (to a max of party level +1), the remaining BP can be spent on a helm, weapons, and other improvments. Expansion bays are your open cargo space that you can canabalize for other amenities. The Shipwrights Codex contains the list of all the improvments available.
All ships come with common crew quarters large enough to accomidate the listed crew.

Size and Chassis

Ships come in the same size ranges as creatures, but applied at a different scale. The size of the ship gives the approxamate tonnage range, the starting HP (much like Ancestry does for a character), an untyped bonus to the ships Fort save, an untyped penalty to Reflex saves, the base maneuverability, and the damage die used for any collision the ship is involved in.
Ship chassis give the ship its level based stats shuch as; HP, Fort save, and the skill rating of any NPC crew (much like classes do for characters). Each chassis also details what sizes can be built, the starting weapons mounts, the size of the crew needed to opperate it, and the number of Expansion Bays, which are an abstraction of the available open space available for customization in each chassis.





Shuttles are basic people haulers. Mostly used for short trips planetside, around asteroid belts, or from satellite to satellite.
HP - 10
AC Increase - E13, M19
Fort Increase - E9, M17
Skills Increase - Pilot: E3, M9. Gunner: E5, M11.


What is there to say about the ubiquitous trade ship, the backbone of Wildspace. From the smallest puddle jumper to massive haulers that ply the phlogiston
HP - 12
AC Increase - E11, M17
Fort Increase - E3, M17
Skills Increase - Pilot: E3, M9. Gunner: E5, M11.


Explorer chassis are the bread and butter of adventurer ships. The jack of all trades, master of none. More heavlily armed than trade ships, usualy bigger capacity than most fighters, explorers can usually get by in a scrape.
HP - 18
AC Increase - +1 Base. E11, M17
Fort Increase - E1, M15
Skills Increase - Pilot: E3, M7, L15. Gunner: E3, M9, L17.


Wildspace is a dangerous place; smart jammers haul lots of firepower to protect themselves from piracy, space dragons, and other hazards. The Fighter chassis is built sturdier and contains more weapons capacity than ships of similar size.
HP - 20
AC Increase - +2 Base. E11, M17
Fort Increase - E1, M9, L17
Skills Increase - Pilot: E3, M9, L17. Gunner: E3, M7, L15.
Special - Small Fighter chassis can use heavy weapon mounts


Mobile comand stations, weapons platforms, flagships. Formitable and almost indestructable, Capitol chassis are usually only afforded by military organizations and the richest of multi-sphere corporations.
HP - 25
AC Increase - +2 Base. E7, M13, L17
Fort Increase - E1, M7, L13
Skills Increase - Pilot: E5, M11. Gunner: E3, M9.

Behind the Curtain

Based off the High range of monsters from the GMG, buffed a little due to their mass. (approximately 110%)
Level based off certain classes. Shuttle = Alchemist, Trade/Explorer/Fighter = Magus, Capital = Champion.
Ships being massive items have an inherent Fort bonus. Level based off certain classes. Shuttle = Bard (added Master), Trade = Cleric_c (added Master), Explorer = Cleric_w, Fighter = Fighter (added Legendary), Capital = Barbarian.
Ships being massive items have an inherent Reflex penalty
Based off character skills bumping E3, M7, L15. Good matches PC, Bad is +4 lvls
Pilot: Explorer was the baseline "Skilled" ship, Capitol was the "Unskilled"
Gunner: Fighter was the baseline "Skilled" ship, Trade and Shuttle were "Unskilled"


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