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Shipwrights Codex

This article contains a full list of ships and all the components you will need to assemble your Spelljamming craft.


Below are pre-built sample ships available for purchase.

Groundling Hulls

Groundling vessels while spacious and sturdy tend to not be the most agile of craft, and they usually take a larger crew for their size compared to their space-borne cousins. On the positive, all groundling vehicles are capable of landing on water and sailing on it, and their familiar shape means that you can sail into a harbor and blend in with the locals if you needed to. Some are even capable of landing on rivers. A ship that has landed cannot use their spelljamming engine for locomotion and needs to sail like a normal ship

Spaceborn Hulls

It has been lost to antiquity who decided that space-born vessels are to be shaped like fish or insects; but what is true about them is that they are usually sleeker and more agile, and require a lot less crew for their size to ply the empty spaces than their groundling counterparts. They are also usually engineered so that the longest axis is along the "bottom" of the craft, making the Gravity plane align there and making sure that "up" is the same for all decks of the ship. Contrast this with most Groundling vessels that are engineered to float on water, where the top deck is the largest plane making below deck have an opposite up than topside. The smaller of the family are capable of making landfall on solid ground, and the many of the larger can land on water, thought neither can really move once there without lifting off again.

Reading Ship Hull Stats

Go here for an example of Reading a Vehicles Statblock


When planeside ships use the wind or muscles to power ships, in wildspace though sails and oars are used for steering not pushing a ship. Magic is needed. More info on the basics of piloting can be found at Piloting and Maneuverability

Siege Weapons

Hand held weapons have a hard time damaging a ship in any meaningful way. So most ship to ship combat is done using Siege Weapons. Weapons need to be installed on shipboard mounts, and most ships come with a few installed. More mounts can be installed as long as you have the space on your ship.

Reading Siege Weapon Stats

Go here for an example of Reading a Siege Weapon Statblock  

Other Ship Improvements

Expansion Bays

Most ships have one or more expansion bays that if left empty are the cargo capacity for a ship. They can be converted into a number of improvments.


Catch all catagory for other ship additions.


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