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Elves in Space

Elves in space have organized themselves into an ancestry spanning military, who's stated goal is the protection and preservation of all elves. All heritages of elf can be found widely in wildspace, except for cavern or sea elves, and any who show an aptitude for warfare, piloting, stealth, or engineering are actively recruited by the Armada.

Diplomats from the Armada routinely make planetfall to keep in touch with their terrestrial cousins across all the known Crystal Spheres, and even pay fealty to the different kings and queens treating them as equal co-monarchs for their people. For their part the terrestrial rulers of the disparate elven kingdoms tend to keep the space elves at arm’s length; respecting their prowess and trans-sphere knowledges but not 100% trusting their motives.

The Elven Armada is the largest organized fleet in Wildspace, and while they do not try to claim jurisdiction over any of the more populated spheres, they are not above shows of power or imposing themselves in matters that do not pertain to them. This attitude does not endear members of the Armada with outsiders.

Relations with other spacefaring ancestries are even more strained than planetside elven societies relations with their neighbors. Elven lifespans are more starkly apparent within the vast backdrop of the spheres; so they tend to be less patient with their shorter lived neighbors who are not able to see the consequences of their actions, nor who will live long enough to take responsibility for them.


Astral Elves

Due to their military experiences and life aboard their armada ships Astral Elves learn how to; fight effectively in space, keep their ships holding together, or are unparalleled pilots.
Choose 1
Marine You become trained in Acrobatics and you gain the Weightless Combatant general feat.
Engineer You become trained in Crafting and you gain the Quick Repair skill feat.
Pilot You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all checks to pilot a Spelljammer.

Caveren Elves

Caveren Elves are rare but not unheard of in wildspace. It is not known if this is because of the ubiquity of sunlight or due to some decree from Lolth or the other matriarchs of the Drow civilizations.

Major organizations


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