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The Elven Armada

The Elven Armada (aka, Imperial Navy) is a collection of individual fleets spread throughout the Known Spheres.

Officially, the Fleet answered to the royalty of the groundling elves of each crystal sphere, as if all elves collectively belonged to the same empire; in truth, they operate as a distinct entity. The head of the chain of command is the Admiral of the Evermeet Fleet of Toril in Realmspace.

The Fleet only allows elves to join. This includes nearly any heritage of Elf with the exception of drow and sea elves. (The former are rejected due to the old anonymity, but sea elves are prevented from space travel because of their need for water.) Although other ancestries can serve on elven spelljammers—if the captain allows it—they can not become true members or attain rank. Half elves are allowed membership in the fleet, but they rarely if ever rise to a commissioned rank. Spaceborn elves are preferred over groundling elves, and younger elves are favored over older ones. Membership in the Fleet is something like being a part of a massive sphere-spanning family; one in you're a member for life.

The main activity of the Elven Fleet is the promotion of elven interests in the Known Spheres. This activity is primarily communication between the elven realms of different spheres, as planar communication is impossible across the Phlogiston. At least once per year, Fleet vessels would visit every major settlement of groundling elves throughout the Spheres, and maintained embassies in most major Human spacefaring settlements. They have strong ties with Evermeet and; before its destruction, Silvanesti on Krynn.

Elven ships patrol wildspace openly, and are the main bulwark against the Illithid and Neogi fleets. With non-elven groundlings, the Fleet prioritize avoidance of interaction. In practice they even limit getting involved in groundling elven affairs, but they have defended elves—and even non-elves on occasion—from space.
Military, Navy Fleet
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