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Illithid Family

Spaceborne illithid have a significant presence in Wildspace, with their own colonies and navies. Unlike their terrestrial cousins (whom they consider to be provincial, even backward), they actively engage in trade with other spacefaring races, even the Neogi. Despite being known for keeping slaves, as well as their dietary need for the brains of sentient creatures, the mind flayers have nurtured cordial relations with other spacefaring people by maintaining a facade of civility, principally by keeping their colonies isolated from other communties. They also try to cultivate a less threatening reputation by being seen to be consuming the brains of non-sentient creatures, or "lesser" creatures, such as kobolds, which are considered pests by the more pragmatic races.


The illithid establish colonies ranging in population from 200 to 2,000 illithids, plus at least two slaves per illithid. All the slaves are under the effect of charm spells, and obey their masters without question. At the heart of a mind flayer community is its elder brain, residing within a pool of briny fluid that contains the brains of the city's dead. Due to the mental powers of illithids, the elder brain is still sentient, and the telepathic union of its brains rules the community. The elder brain has a telepathic range of 2 to 5 miles, depending on its age and size. It does not engage in combat, but telepathically warns the community of the presence of any sentient creatures, so a mind flayer within its telepathic radius can only be surprised by non-intelligent creatures. The range of the elder brain determines the territory claimed and defended by an illithid community, though raiding parties are sent far beyond this limit. These settlements even dominate several worlds throughout the Known Spheres.  


Illithid - CREATURE 10

Illithid, also known as Mind Flayers are a major spacefaring race. Well known for their tentacle face and a penchant for eating brains they ply wildspace expanding their empire.
Perception +19 ; Darkvision
Languages Illithid, Common, Undercommon, Neogi, Telepathy 120ft
Skills Arcana +20 , Deception +22 , Diplomacy +20 , Occult +20 , Society +19 , Stealth +18

STR +3 , DEX +6 , CON +5 , INT +8 , WIS +7 , CHA +7

Items Breastplate
AC 27
Saving Throws Fort +18 , Ref +19 , Will +22 , +2 Status to all Saves vs Magic
Speed 30ft
Melee Tentacle +20 , Damage 2d10+11 plus Grab
Extract +23 , Requirements The creature must be grabbed by the Illithid. Damage 2d12+20 plus Devour Brain
Special Abilities Mind Blast (Mental, Occult, Enchantment The Illithid emits a 60ft Cone of energy dealing 6d6 mental damage. Each creature in the area must make a DC 26 Will save. The Illithid cannot use Mind Blast again for 1d4 Rounds.
Devour Brain (manipulate Requirements The Illithid's last action was a successful attack that lists Devour Brain in its damage entry and the targets HP has been reduced to 0. Effect The creature dies instantly as it's brain is extracted from it's skull. The Illithid instantly knows all the knowledge the creature knew while alive.
Spells Psychic Innate Spells DC29, Attack +18
6th Dominate (x3)
5th Hallucination, Mind Probe
4th Charm(H) (at will), Confusion
3rd Illusory Disguise (at will), Levitate (at will), Mind Reading (x3), Fear (x2)
2nd Humanoid Form (at will), Paranoia (x2)
Cantrips (5th) Mage Hand, Shield


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