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Neogi Family

Reviled and feared throughout the Known Spheres, the neogi are a race of ruthless slavers and plunderers who think nothing of eating their enemies, servants and fallen comrades. They are rampant pirates and raiders (and ruthless merchants when given no other choice) and are usually attacked on sight. In all of Wildspace, one truth remains constant, the neogi are a hateful, xenophobic race that have few friends.
They are a slaving race with an inborn sense of property: everything is either owned or owner, slave or neogi. Even neogi can be owned by other neogi, but these slave-neogi may have their own slaves and eventually establish themselves as full masters in their own right. This “own or be owned” world view has resulted in a paranoid outlook that borders on xenophobia, and their relentless attacks on other races has resulted in the neogi being universally hated. The only “normal” race with ties to the neogi are the Illithid, who make a profit from the neogi slave trade.


The neogi are principally a spaceborn race, with few, if any, viable colonies on a planetary body larger than an asteroid. Their lives revolve around their ships and their slaves. With the universe against them, the neogi have various defenses at their disposal. The first, and most obvious, is their enslavement of umber hulks. Trained and conditioned from birth to accept enslavement, each neogi has at least one personal umber hulk slave who serves as a combination of bodyguard, manservant, and a useful set of hands. A neogi without an umber hulk won't survive long, and the profusion of umber hulks on many worlds is ascribed in part to their dissemination at the hands of the neogi.
The neogi do not consider themselves a nation as such, though various fleets will cooperate under certain circumstances. However, this cooperation is hindered by the fact that in any neogi gathering, there can only be one overmaster, to whom all others are subordinate.  


Neogi - CREATURE 6

A Neogi resembles a foul cross between a wolf spider and a moray eel. Its short, furry, eight-limbed body is topped by a lithe, bare, fleshy neck with a serpentine head, with two forward-facing glistening black eyes and a mouth full of needle-sharp teeth for rending flesh. The ends of its limbs are tipped with small claws. The Neogi are a race of ruthless slavers and plunderers who think nothing of eating their enemies, servants and fallen comrades.
Perception +17 ; Darkvision
Languages Common, Undercommon, Neogi, Illithid, Terran, Aklo
Skills Acrobatics +13 , Athletics +9 Deception +15 , Diplomacy +15 , Intimidate +15 , Stealth +13 , Thievery +13 , Lore, Underworld +13

STR +2 , DEX +5 , CON +4 , INT +5 , WIS +4 , CHA +5

Items +1 Light Crossbow
AC 23
Saving Throws Fort +11, Ref +17, Will +14
HP75 - Immunities Mental Effects
Speed 30ft., climb 20ft.
Melee Fangs +15 Damage 2d4+2 piercing plus Neogi Venom
Ranged X-Bow +18 (Magical, Range 120ft, Reload1) Damage 1d8+6 piercing plus Neogi Venom
Special Abilities Neogi Venom (poison) ; Saving Throw Fort DC 21; Max Duration 10 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 Poison (1 round Stage 2 1d6 Poison and Stupified 1 (1 round Stage 3 1d6 Poison and Stupified 2 (1 round Stage 4 1d6 Poison and Stupified 3 (1 round)
Spells Occult Innate Spell DC 24 6th Dominate
Umber Hulk - CREATURE 7

An abominable horror from deep beneath the earth, an umber hulk burrows into cave complexes, dungeons, or Underdark settlements in search of food—especially the humanoid prey it craves
Despite its great bulk, an umber hulk is intelligent. When brute force won't overcome an enemy, it is more than capable of outthinking those who assume it to be a stupid beast. Umber hulks often use their tunneling ability to create deadfalls and pits for the unwary.
Perception +12 ; Darkvision, Tremorsense 60ft
Languages Undercommon, Terran
Skills Athletics +17 , Survival +15 , Lore; Hunting +11

STR +7 , DEX +2 , CON +6 , INT +2 , WIS +2 , CHA +3

AC 25
Saving Throws Fort +18 , Ref +10 , Will +14
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft.
Melee Claw +18 (agile) Damage 2d8+2 Slashing
Mandibles +18 Damage 2d10+9 Piercing
Special Abilities Confusing Gaze (Aura, Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Occult, Visual) 30ft. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 25 Will save. If the creature fails, it babbles incoherently and becomes stunned 1 for 1 minute. The Umber Hulk can deactivate or activate this aura by using a single action, which has the concentrate trait.
Focus Gaze (Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Occult, Visual) ; The Umber Hulk fixes their glare at a creature they can see within 30 feet. The target must immediately attempt a Will save against the hulks confusing gaze. If the creature was already stunned by the confusing gaze, a failed save cause it to be confused for 1 minute. After attempting its save, the creature is then temporarily immune until the start of the hulks next turn.


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