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Prophecies of Kalistrade


The Prophecies of Kalistrade (a.k.a. Kalistocrats) are a sphere spanning quasi-religious philosophy of wealth-gathering and material success, derived from visions had by the ancient mystic Kalistrade, who espoused the accumulation of wealth over all else as a necessary preparation for some untold future event, which ends with the Kalistocrats owning the known galaxy.
Followers dress only in white garments, hold to strict sexual and dietary rules, and protect themselves from making any physical contact with non-adherents

History & Scripture

The texts of the ancient prophecies tell the story of Kalistrade; a human born on a planet not found on any star-chart, in a nation that had long lain under the dwarven jackboot. During an illness, the delirious Kalistrade received powerful visions that prompted him to leave his nation to seek spiritual enlightenment. For the next eight years, he compiled his dream visions, the traditions of his people, travel diaries, and a general defiance toward the dwarves into what would be the basis of the Prophecies of Kalistrade.
Kalistrade and his followers adopted attitudes of belligerent compliance with their dwarven oppressors; shaving all facial hair and drinking no alcohol in compliance with dwarven laws prohibiting beards and beer for non-dwarves. Any new new dwarven oppression would be co-opted in their favor further strengthening a human identity. By the time Kalistrade died, the Kalistocrats were ruling over a wealthy, independent nation with a powerful army.
After Kalistrade's death, his disciples debated the interpretations of his writing, creating a dozen contradicting versions. When his tomb was discovered, members from these factions communed with his soul in hopes of putting an end to their conflict. His revelations resolved many of his followers' debates and led to the foundation of the Prophecies of Kalistrade as a formal religion.


The Prophecies are a lawful sect, but not a strict one. Beyond the few universal taboos, each individual adherent chooses how strictly they follow the many nebulous superstitions and strictures of the faith. That being said, the Kalistocrats will tell you that the more diligent you are the more you will be rewarded with success in life. There appears to be some truth to this as to rise to the rank of Prophet you need to be mind numbingly wealthy and a successful titan of industry, though the cynical non-believer could say that connections and influence the Prophets hold all but insures this material success.


Kalistocrats are obsessed with cleanliness, and ensure that their bodies are contaminated by no impurities or diseases. Cleanliness of mind is honed by the practice of meditation and rituals. Since the mind can only find perfection in the fertile ground provided by a body in peak condition, exercise and martial arts are common practice.
Dietary restrictions are the most widely know of the Kalistocrat taboos. They believe in the consumption of pure, non-toxic, properly nutritious food. Foods and items that harm the body (especially brain chemistry), has a low nutritional value that cannot be improved by cooking or processing, is harvested from filth, or is simply a nuisance to eat are forbidden. Foods with high nutritional values or are simple and easy to consume are considered pure.
Traditionally, Kalistocrats wear all-white clothing, which displays the purity and cleanliness of their soul. In order to avoid physical contact with impurities and other people, garments usually cover nearly the entirety of the body. In accordance with the philosophy's avoidance of waste (especially concerning personal comfort), Kalistocratic clothing tends to be simple, functional and made of silk, which is light and comfortable without being wasteful, though showing extravagance is acceptable if it gives one the upper hand in social encounters.


Due to a combination of pride in their work, self-accountability and constant networking, most Kalistocrats reside aboard spelljamming ships that travel along trade routes with their merchant fleets, keeping an eye on property and maintaining business relationships. Combined with the Prophecies of Kalistrade's individualism, Kalistocrats do not build temples in the traditional sense. Instead, they maintain a base of operations in each sphere they are active in, where Kalistocrats can comfortably conduct business. Usually these masquerade as a bank, investment broker, or education center for those looking to better their lives through education, personal growth, and hard work. These locations are primarily decorated in white with extravagant golden and gem-colored accents, combined with the wealth and personal preference of the high prophet running them.


Officially the Prophecies of Kalistrade are agnostic when it comes to the different deities of the spheres they operate in. Despite this there is no taboo in worshiping any deity and the assorted deities of law or commerce are popular amongst the faith. In realmspace worship of Tyr and Waukeen are popular.
Strangely, Kalistocrats avoid any gods related to death or their clergy.
Religious, Cult


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