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Ship Combat


Ship combat does not follow the usual rules of innitiative or 3 actions per turn. Instead it is run more narativly. Rounds are not nescicarily 6 seconds like personal combat. Movement around the ship is generaly not tracked, unless a boarding actions require use of a battle map.  

Roles and Phases

At the start of each round the characters choose a role, and can take one action associated to that role durring the phase for that action. Any number of characters can take the same role, thought some actions can only be done once per turn. The only exception to this is Pilot or Captain roles, which can only have one person each.  


A short summary of each role, the actions associated with that role are explained in more detail below. Each round the crew can decide what role they want to fill that round and can freely change. Larger ships will have teams fufilling these roles, treat the team as one unit for skill rolls.  


Your role in combat is about encouraging the crew while taunting enemies into making critical mistakes. A ship can have only one captain, and a character can assume that role only if it is currently vacant. The captain alone can act in any phase of combat
Primary Skill - Diplomacy, though Deception & Intimidate are useful  


You work to support your fellow crew grant enhancements in times of need. You can also repair damage. A ship can have any number of engineers. An engineer acts during the engineering phase
Primary Skill - Crafting  

Siege Gunner

You operate your ship’s various weapons, using them to neutralize or destroy enemy vessels. A ship can have at most one siege gunner (or gunner team) per weapon mount. A siege gunner acts during the weapons phase
Primary Skill - Tied to Weapon's Spec class feature  


You plot the course of the ship. Each ship has speed and maneuverability ratings, but you can push your ship beyond these boundaries with enough skill. A ship can have only one pilot, and a character can assume that role only if it is vacant. The pilot acts during the helm phase of combat
Primary Skill - The skill used to Pilot  

Magic Officer

You coax the aether into assisting your ship with information or other more active countermeasures. A ship can have any number of Magic officers of any tradition. You must be able to use some sort of magic; Cantrips, focus spells, or innate magic. Magic officers act during the engineering phase
Primary Skill - The skill related to a magic tradition


Each round is broken into 3 phases. Initiative is rolled for the round during each Pilot phase. Crew can take their actions in any order they want inside of a phase, and all combatants act in the phase before the next phase starts.  

Engineering Phase

The engineers and magic officers on all ships (if present) each take an action to repair the ships or give them a boost. These actions occur simultaneously, so they can be resolved in any order.  

Helm Phase

Each ship’s pilot rolls initiative using their Piloting skill. The pilot with the lowest result must move his ship first, followed by the next lowest, until all ships have moved. If a ship has no one in the pilot role, that ship acts as if its pilot had rolled a 0.
As they move their ships using the rules for Tactical Movement; pilots can attempt additional skill checks to perform dangerous maneuvers or push their vessels beyond its specifications.  

Weapons Phase

During the weapons phase, siege gunner crews fire their ship's weapons. Ships launch in the same order in which their pilots acted during that round’s helm phase, but the effects of damage are not taken into account until the end of the phase, meaning that all ships can launch, even if they take enough damage to be disabled or destroyed during this phase.  

Crew Actions

Depending on the role you have assumed before the engineering round you can perform that roles actions. Some actions have a proficiency requirement in a specific skill.

Captains Actions

Captains can take one action per round, but they can act in any phase and usually require a rolling of either diplomacy or intimidation.

You can make a demand of a crew member to try to improve their performance on the action they are doing.
You must use this action before the associated action check is rolled, and you grant a bonus to an individual character only once per combat.
Demand might result in negative consequences if used on NPCs, and you cannot make demands of yourself.
Make an Intimidate check against the crewmates Will DC.

Critical Success - The crewmate receives a +4 circumstance to their check
Success - As critical but bonus is +2

You can encourage another member of the crew to give them a bonus to their action.
Take the Aid action

You communicate with the enemy ship, sending a bluff or a taunting message to the enemy.
This action requires you to be able to communicate with the enemy vessel. Usually done with spells like Bullhorn or done as part of a close fly by.
Once successfully used against an enemy ship, taunt can’t be used against that starship again for 1 min.
Select an enemy vessel you can communicate with and a phase of combat (engineering, helm, or weapons), and then attempt a Deception or Intimidate check against a level based DC for the targets level.

Critical Success - All actions that occur during the next 1d6 rounds of the targeted phase get a -2 circumstance penalty applied
Success - As Critical but it's only 1d4 rounds and a -1 penalty

Skill Requisite - Master in Diplomacy

You can grant a crew member an extra action by issuing succinct orders before they act.
Pick one crewmate other than yourself and make a Diplomacy check with a DC equal to the ships pilot DC +4. If you succeed the target crewmember can take two actions this round, though they must be different actions.
once an order has been successfully issued you cannot use this action again for 1 min.
Moving Speech

Skill Requisite - Legend in Diplomacy

Pick one phase of combat and at the start of it make a diplomacy check against a difficult level based DC. If you succeed then all crewmembers that act in that phase can roll twice and take the better roll. This is a fortune effect.

Moving Speech can only be attempted once every 10 min.

Engineer Actions

Engineer actions take place during the Engineer phase and are usually require rolling crafting checks. A ship can have multiple Engineers. Unless otherwise stated, each engineering action can only be taken once per round.

you focus on one of your ships subsystems and using your knowhow you squeeze everything you can out of it.
Pick on of the following systems and make a crafting check with a DC equal to the piloting DC of your ship, if you succeed apply the effect for this round.
Multiple Engineers can attempt this action but each system can only be targeted once.

Sails - You grant your ship a +1 Circumstance bonus to its Maneuverability rating
Helm - you grant your ship a +1 circumstance bonus to it's speed rating
Arcane Lab - Your Magic Officers gain a +2 circumstance bonus to their skill rolls
Weapons - one siege weapon gains a +1 circumstance bonus to it's damage for each damage die
Hull - All other Engineers gain a +2 circumstance bonus to their skill rolls
Hold it Together

You attempt to shore up your ship.
Make a repair check.
You give the ship you are holding together a number of temporary HP = to the repair results. These temp HP last 1 hour before your slapdash repair falls apart and you need to actually repair your ship.

Critical Success - You grant 10 Temporary Hit Points to the ship, plus an additional 10 per proficiency rank you have in Crafting (Trained = 20 HP, Expert = 30 HP, Master = 40 HP, Legend = 50 HP).
Success - You grant 5 Temporary Hit Points to the ship, plus an additional 5 per proficiency rank you have in Crafting (Trained = 10 HP, Expert = 15 HP, Master = 20 HP, Legend = 25 HP).
Critical Failure - You deal 2d6 damage to the ship. Apply the ship's Hardness to this damage.

Your crew works to repair the ship mid fight. Not some slapdash job, but to actually rebuild damage
Any number of Engineers can take the Patch action. Each can make a crafting check equal to the Pilot DC of the ship +2.

Critical Success - You repair 5 Hit Points to the hull, plus an additional 5 per proficiency rank you have in Crafting (Trained = 10 HP, Expert = 15 HP, Master = 20 HP, Legend = 25 HP)
Success - You repair 2 Hit Points to the hull, plus an additional 2 per proficiency rank you have in Crafting (Trained = 4 HP, Expert = 6 HP, Master = 8 HP, Legend = 10 HP)
Critical Failure - You deal 2d8 damage to the ship. Apply the ship’s Hardness to this damage.
Raft Up

Prerequisite - Your ship currently has another ship boarded

You use your expertise to assist the crew in lashing your ship to the enemy. Make a Crafting check against your opponent ships Pilot DC. If you succeed you grant your pilot a +1 Circumstance bonus to this rounds Hook and Draw action.

Special - Any number of engineers can take this action in a round. Successes are cumulative to a maximum of +4
Cut Ropes

Prerequsit - Your ship is currently boarded

You use intamate knowledge of your ship means you know how to get to and release grapples easily. Make a Crafting check against your ships Pilot DC. If you succeed you grant your pilot a +1 Circumstance bonus to this rounds Repel Grapple action.

Special - Any number of engineers can take this action in a round. Successes are cumulative to a maximum of +4
Hammer it out

Skills Requisite - Master in Crafting

You bounce around triggering contingencies and patches you have been saving for just this occasion. Make a crafting check with a DC equal to the pilot DC of your ship +4. If you succeed you can take 3 separate Improvise actions.
No action can target a system more than once, nor can you target a system that has been Improvised this round, nor can another engineer improvise a system you effect with Hammer it Out.
Once you successfully Hammer it Out you cannot use it again for 1 min.

Skill Requite - Legend in Crafting

You reinforce the framing of your ship to absorb the blows.
Make a crafting check with a DC equal to your ships pilot DC+4. Your ship can only be under one fortification effect at a time.

Critical Success - You grant your ship a +15 circumstance bonus to hardness until the next time an enemy lands a critical hit
Success - You grant your ship a +10 circumstance bonus to hardness for the next 5 hits your ship takes

Siege Gunner Actions

The Siege Gunner is responsible for the offence. Siege weapons usually use Martial weapons Proficiency. Each siege weapon can only be fired once per round, but multiple gunner crews can work multiple weapon mounts in the same round.

You can launch one of your siege weapon.
Fire at Will

You can fire any two ship weapons, regardless of their arc. Each attack is made at a –4 penalty.

Skills Requisite - Weapons Spec

You can fire all of the ship weapons mounted in one arc (including turret-mounted weapons). Each weapon can target any vessel in that arc. All of these attacks are made with a –2 penalty.
You can perform a Broad side once every min.
Precise Targeting

Skill Requisite - Greater Weapons Spec

You fire one weapon at one target. If your shot hits you gain a 1d6 precision damage per weapon die.
You can use Precise Targeting once a min.

Magic Officer Actions

Anyone that has access to at least cantrips, focus spells, or innate spells can fulfill the role. Magic officers use the skill associated with the one of their magic traditions as their magic skill, and act during the Engineering phase. Unless otherwise stated, each magic officer action can only be taken once per round.
Eldritch Shot

You augment one of your ships siege weapons temporarily boosting the accuracy at range. Make a magic skill check against your ships Piloting DC. If it succeeds than that weapon does not take the usual -2 penalty for it's second range increment. Multiple magic officers can perform Eldritch Shot on different weapons in the same round.

You read the aether or tap into minor divinations to glimpse your opponents movements before they happen.
Make a magic skill check against your ships piloting DC. If you succeed you grant your Pilot a +2 status bonus to the next initiative check.

Using minor divinations and hedge magic you discern information about your opponent. Make a magic skill check against the target ships Piloting DC. On success you learn the first item on the list below, on a critical success you learn the first three. This action can be taken by multiple magic officers and over multiple rounds. Additions successes reveal further information.

1. Basic Information: Crew complement and ship classification, size, speed, and maneuverability.
2. Defenses: AC, total and current Hull Points
3. Weapon: Information about one weapon, including its firing arc and the damage it deals, starting with the highest level weapon. Repeat this entry until all the siege weapons are revealed.
4. Load: Information about how the ship’s expansion bays are allocated and any cargo the ship might be carrying.
5. Other: Any remaining ship statistics.
Mystic Haze

Skill Requisite - Master in your magic skill

You conjure a haze in the aether that obscures your position from your enemies. Make a magic skill check against your ships Piloting DC +4.

Critical Success - Your haze renders your ship Hidden to all attackers for this round
Success As Critical but your haze makes your ship Concealed
Aether Currents

Skill Requisite - Legend in your magic skill

You manipulate the hidden forces of wildspace to bend physics to help your ship surf the drift. Make a magic skill check against your ships Piloting DC+4.

Critical Success - For this round, you grant your ship a +1 Status bonus to your Manuverability raiting, and your pilot also gains a +2 Status bonus to all piloting checks they make.
Success - As critical success, but the pilot does not gain the bonus to checks

Pilot actions

You can only have one pilot and they must be able to actually pilot the craft. Most of these actions also have the move trait; which can come into effect if a ship get's entangled or boarded. Refer to your propulsion for what skill can be used to pilot your craft.

You move your ship up to its speed and can make any turns allowed by its maneuverability.

You attempt to improve the handling of your ship
Make a piloting check

Success - you can move your ship up to it's speed, and you grant your ship a -1 Circumstance bonus to the number of hexes you must travel before you can turn (minimum 0 as perfect)
Failure - you can fly your ship as normal
Back Off

You slam on the breaks and creep backwards.
Make a piloting check.

Success - you move at half your speed rating to the aft without changing your facing. You cannot change facing when taking this action
Failure - Your ship drifts back only 1 hex.
Critical Failure - Your ship does not move and your ship takes a -2 Circumstance penalty to it's AC for the rest of the round
Barrel Roll

Prerequsite - Your ship is Large or smaller.

You atempt a stunt to roll your ship along it's central axis and give your siege gunners their best openings.

Success - You can move your ships speed rating and as your roll your ship. For the rest of the round your Siege gunners can fire their port and starboard weapons in either arc.
Failure - You can move your ship at half it's speed and you do not perform the roll.
Critical Failure - As Failure but your ship also takes a -2 Circumstance penalty to it's AC for the rest of the round.

Evasive Maneuvers are a staple of ship combat. You dip, dive, swerve to evade your enemies shots.
Make a piloting check.

Criticle Success - The ship moves up to its speed and can turn as normal, but it gains a +4 circumstance bonus to its AC for the rest of the round.
Success - As critical success, but the bonus is just +2
Failure - You can move your ship as normal with no change to its AC
Critical Failure - As failure but your ship takes a -2 circumstance penalty to AC for the rest of the round.

You drift you ship port or starboard and keep moving.
Make a pilot check.

Success - You move your speed but can use either the forward-port or forward-starboard face of your hex without changing facing.
Failure - Move forward at half speed and do not make any turns.

Prerequisite - you must have enough speed to fly through your opponents hex.

You cross through the hex of another ship and take advantage of the proximity.
Make a piloting check against the Piloting DC of the craft you are attempting to fly by

Success - Pick one weapon, For the next Weapons phase this weapon gains a +2 Circumstance bonus to their attack
Failure - your ship can move as normal
Turn in Place

You stop all forward movements and rotate your ship to whatever facing you want.
Ships with a poor or worse maneuverability take a -2 circumstance penalty to their AC for the rest of the round.
Come About

You make a desperate turn and beat a retreat.
Make a piloting check against the Piloting DC+2

Success - Move your ship at half speed without turning, then change your facing 180 degrees
Failure - Move your ship at half speed without turning
Ramming Speed

Prerequisite - Target is no larger than ones size category larger than your ship. You have enough movement to pass through the hex of your target

Some times the best way to take out another ship is go through it.
Using your normal movement, move your ship into the hex of your target, then make a piloting check against your target ships AC.
Special If your ship is equipped with a Ram you can reduce the damage your ship takes by it's value

Critical Success - You deal your hulls Collision Damage to both ships. You make a basic Fort saves, and your target can make their choice of a basic Fort or Rflx save to reduce the damage. You can chose to either finish you move, or you impale the enemy ship rendering it Entangled
Success - As critical except you return to the hex you were last in before you entered your targets hex and your movement stops.
Failure - you miss. You can finish your movement but may not attempt another ram, grapple, or shear.
Critical Failure - You strike awkwardly, As Success but your ram weapon cannot reduce the damage your ship takes, and the target takes half damage and can save to further reduce the damage.

Prerequisite - You have enough movement to pass through the hex of your target

You attempt to destroy your targets sails or oars.
Using your normal movement, move your ship into the hex of your target. Make a piloting check against the targets Piloting Skill DC to see if you can hit your target.

A target can only be under the effect of one Shear penalty at a time.
The target can remove the maneuverability penalty by taking number of Patch actions based off their ship size.
1 for T, 2 for S/M/L, 3 for H/G

Critical Success - You hit & damage your targets rigging. The target takes half your collision damage and may make a basic Reflex (Piloting) save to reduce it further. Their ship suffers a circumstance penalty to their maneuverability of 2 ranks until the rigging can be repaired. You can finish your movement but may not attempt another ram, grapple, or shear.
Success - As Critical but the penalty is 1.
Failure - you miss. You can finish your movement but may not attempt another ram, grapple, or shear.
Critical Failure - You clip your own sails in your attempt. Your ship takes half your collision damage and you may make a basic Reflex (Piloting) save to reduce it further. Your ship suffers a circumstance penalty to it's maneuverability of 1 rank until the rigging can be repaired. You can finish your movement but may not attempt another ram, grapple, or shear.
Hook and Draw

Prerequisite - Target is no larger than ones size category larger than your ship. You have enough movement to pass through the hex of your target.

You crew attempt to hook side boards and rigging, then drag the other ship close enough that you can send a boarding party over.
Using your normal movement, move your ship into the hex of your target, then make a piloting check against the target ships Fortitude DC.

Critical Success Your target is boarded until the end of your next turn unless you move or it tries to escape. Your crew may board the enemy ship and get +2 circumstance bonus on any Acrobatics or Athletics checks needed to board the ship.
Success Your target is Entangled until the end of your next turn unless you move or it tries to escape. On your next pilot phase you can attempt this action again to upgrade entangled to boarded.
Failure You fail to entangle your target. If you already had the target entangled using a Hook and Draw, that conditions on that ship end. The GM places one ship in an adjacent hex.
Critical Failure You fail to entangle your target. If you already had the target entangled using a Hook and Draw, it breaks free and can immediately move up to its speed.
Repel Grapple

You and your crew attempt to escape from being Entangled or Boarded. Chose one ship that is imposing one of the conditions on you and make a Piloting check against the opposing captains Piloting DC.

Special - If using this activity to escape the boarded condition, for each round you do not succeed you take a cumulative -1 Status penalty to your pilot check as your ships are bound tighter. If you fail to remove the boarded condition 3 times you are boarded and you must defend your ship in hand to hand combat.

Critical Success You get free and remove the Entangled, or Boarded conditions imposed by your chosen target. If that was the only target hindering your movement you can then move at half your speed rating.
Success You end the Entangled condition or if you were Boarded you are now entangled.
Push It

Skills Requisite - Master in the skill used for Piloting

Your deft piloting and a little magical know how let you squeeze every last bit of speed out of your helm.

You can move your ship up to twice it's speed, but you get a circumstance penalty to your maneuverability rating of 2.
Push it can be performed once every min
Audacious Gambit

Skill Requisite Legend in the skill you use for piloting.

You pull out all the stops, and what you just did should not be possible.
Make a Piloting check at the normal Piloting DC+4
Once you succeed in an Audacious Gambit, you cannot attempt another one for 10 min

Critical Success - You can move up your ships at double it's speed rating. For the remaining of this turn your ship gains a circumstance bonus to it's Maneuverability raiting of 2. You may perform any one other piloting action at it's critical success effect. When you end your movement you can rotate your ship to face in any direction
Success - As critical success but you must roll for the granted action you take at a -1 Circumstance penalty. Actions that usually do not have a check gain one at the standard piloting DC with a Failure effect of "your ship moves half speed and cannot change facing." If you roll a critical failure for the granted action you get a fail instead.
Failure - you can move your ship as normal
Critical Failure - your ship moves half speed and cannot change facing.

Special Ship Combat Circumstances


If the pilot chooses to, they can purposely crash their ship into another ship. While this seems like a desperate act with the right ship and the right weapon it is a viable combat tactic.
To ram another ship a pilot can take the Ramming Speed activity, as long as their ship has enough speed and maneuverability to fly through the hex of the target, they can make a piloting check against their targets AC to do the collision damage for their ship. This tactic does damage to both ships. Each ships can make a basic Fortitude save to reduce the damage. If the ship taking the Ramming Speed activity is equipped with a ram weapon, they reduce the damage they inflict on themselves by it's value.


The shearing maneuver is the bastard stepchild of the ramming maneuver. The shearing pilot attempts a close fly by of their target and rams the rigging or oars in an attempt to destroy them and hinder their targets maneuverability. The Shear activity has the same setup as ramming; as long as their ship has enough speed and maneuverability to fly through the hex of the target. If your piloting check beats your opponents pilot DC you successfully shear. Shearing does not damage your ship like ramming does. A ship can only be under the effect of this maneuver once, until it's engineers repair the damage done by shearing.


Grappling another spelljamming ship is not an easy task to do. Even ships with really poor maneuverability are way faster and more agile than their groundling counterparts on the water. That being said the process is the same in space as it is on the water, first the pilot overtakes and brings their ship alongside the target craft, then the crew Hook and Draw in the other ship. If the pilots check succeeds against the target ships Fort DC than the crew manages to Entangle the other ship. For your crew to successfully board the other ship you need to progress the status to boarded next round by succeeding at another Hook and Draw Action. If you can maintain the boarded condition on a ship for 3 consecutive rounds then your crew has lashed the ships together well enough or spilled onto the ship and disrupted the defending crew enough that they can no longer attempt to escape and the game shifts to hand to hand combat.  

Siege Weapons


Most long range combat in ship to ship combat is done with Siege Weaponry. These weapons are large enough that they require mount modifications to your ship in order attach and use them. Weapon Mounts come in three varieties; Light, Heavy, and Rams, and most Hulls have a number of them engineered into their design. You can add more mounts to a ship, assuming you have enough deck space to accommodate. Some larger ships have gun decks for their weapons that protect the weapons crews, and any weapon less that 9ft tall can be mounted here.
Larger weapons must be mounted on the top deck of the ship. Weapons have a firing arc based on what portion of the ship they are mounted on. They can target an object inside the arc that their mount is facing, any hex that rides a line between firing arcs can be in either arc, the gunner team chooses.


Each Siege Weapon Statblock has the details for what activities are needed to ready, aim and fire a weapon, as well as the number of crew that is required to operate it. As long as a you have enough crew to staff your siege weapons you can fire them once a round. Siege weapons target the AC of other ships. NPC crew members who operate siege weapons are usually trained in their operation, and use the level based proficency bonus for their chassis, but captains can hire more skilled crew if they can afford it.
Each weapon can only be fired once a round, no matter how fast the crew can ready and aim it.  

Damaging a Ship

Ships are objects, so the normal rules on damaging objects apply. Any damage applied is reduced by the ships hardness before the remaining is applied to the ships HP. When damage crosses into the Broken threshold a ship becomes harder to pilot, the Pilot DC of a ship increased by two. Temporary HP from actions like Hold it Together remove the broken condition if they bring the HP value above the broken threshold.  

Small Arms Damage

All ship Hulls have the Substantial trait. This trait means that hand held weaponry and natural attacks only do half damage to a ship prior to applying the objects hardness. In practice this makes all but the most fragile of ships invulnerable to anything but a concerted effort to destroy them with swords, axes, and claws. At the GM discretion attacks from a creature the same size category as the vehicle or larger can bypass this trait.  


While most hulls are weak against fire, they are not going to explode in a ball of fire at the first touch of a match. Most magic that causes fire damage is too ephemeral to actually start a fire burning on a ship. Things that burn for a long time do have a chance of touching off a ship fire. If a ship takes Persistent fire Damage 3 times from the same source, it triggers the Ship Fire hazard. This hazard replaces the persistent damage from that source. A ship fire can eat up precious breathable air, and if it burns long enough it can Foul the Air.


Broken Vehicles
When a vehicle is broken, it becomes harder to use. It takes a –2 penalty to its AC, saves, and collision DC, and the DC of all piloting checks related to the vehicle increase by 5. The broken vehicle’s looses 1 Speed Points.

A vehicle reduced to 0 HP is destroyed, like any other item and starts to break apart.

Behind the Curtain

Siege Weapons
Siege Weapons in PF2 use the same rules for loading, but Aiming and Launching would not work for Spelljammer ship to ship combat. The rules worked well when your weapon was stationary against targets that didn't move that fast if at all. You would take the Aim activity to move the target reticle a number of squares on the map, then when you had your target covered you took the Launch action and auto hit your target who could Save. Keeping track of multiple reticles on a moving platform seems like a nightmare so we will change the Aim activity to be a perform X number like loading is, and turn the Launch action into an attack roll.
EDIT With the transition to Starfinder style ship combat siege weapons are changing to "if staffed they can fire once a round"
Ship Fires
Pf2 removed all the "this spell can start a fire" effects from the spells, but they added persistent damage which does the same thing nicely. The standard persistent damage roll is an 80% chance to persist, and over 3 rolls you get 51.2% chance that the ship will fail all 3 rolls and catch on fire. This felt better than a second flat check just to catch on fire and it gives the players a chance to do something about it. How the fire spreads I based off the Town Hall Fire hazard, I just added the damage to the ship.
Combat roles
My original home brew for ship combat was too pilot centric. Revamped using Starfinder ship combat roles. Removed the science officer as we do not have shields and the Magic officer can pick up the slack. Keyed the advanced Gunner actions to Wep proficiency, as most classes get that where only the fighter and the Gunslinger get Legendary in weapons.


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