04. Zenith Trajectory
In Chapter Four Magma Force were asked to go and rescue Zenith Splintershield from captivity at
the hands of a Kuoa-toan tribe in the Underdark at the behest of Celeste, on behalf of his father
Davked Splintershield, who needed to see his son to avert a curse. The chapter started with the
party saving warehouses from the attack of an umber hulk and then moved onto them getting hired
to find Zenith and their trek into the wilds. They encountered and killed Gotrrod, son of Hookface,
then descended into the Underdark to find the kuo-toan fortress of Bhal-Hamatugn where Zenith
was located. They then embarked on a mission to kill all the kuo-toans in the fortress and therein
encountered and had a long chat with Dhorlot the Dragon Father. He told them Zenith was not
being held captive but rather was the new leader of the kuo-toans! They found him in his chamber
and after a climactic battle managed to capture him and return him to Cauldron. In the city they
handed Zenith over to Lord Vhantru in Celeste's absence
Parent Plot
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