Session 01

General Summary

31st day of the Rat, 678 AR - Kupang
  The party, for their own various reasons, all arrived in the Green Dragon Inn in Kupang in the Vale of Leaves. Through the course of the evening Quintus the Rodinian officer, Flynn the local Semang woodsman, Thorn the travelling mystic and Ferrint, the dwarven warrior were united by a common cause: working to free Logazor the dwarf's tin mine from goblins. The goblins had moved in whilst Logazor was away getting supplies and he had no one else to turn to.   Whilst in the Inn Quintus spoke to many of the locals gathering information on the local goings on. A few things took his attention:   A group of arcane students were camped outside the village, studying magical leylines. A few weeks ago all their arcane gear seemed to break, possibly as the result of some sort of arcane power surge. They are lead by a man named Minos. Of some concern Minos was waiting in the village for the courier who was bringing in their replacement kit - a dark elf. It was agreed that this would be fine as long as the elf did not misbehave and the village elder was warned in advance.   The druid, Estelar told Quintus that a few weeks ago he had witnessed some strange lights and loud thunder-like noises in the mountains to the east.   The innkeeper reported that the mountain fishermen of the east had found a new set of caves which had sprung up behind the waterfalls above the eastern village of Sibu. They had appeared inexplicably a few weeks ago.   All this lead Quintus to believe that some serious event had occurred in the eastern mountains a few weeks ago - something which he should probably go and look into.   Alongside that the Halfling trader Alton reported that a family of otyughs had been discovered in a swamp to the north of the village of Kupang. It was agreed that these were unlikely to move out of the swamp and that no one in their right mind would want to go into the swamp, so actually this was an acceptable situation. Although Quintus did note this information down with a view to looking into it if time permitted.   Finally Elder Hewlett told Quintus that there were some concerns over the risk from bandits attack, trying to raid the large stockpiles of supplies which were being gathered for the upcoming Solstice festival.   Quintus had asked Ferrint to gather the necessary supplies for an expedition into the mines and the dwarf had determined that a few days would be sufficient, and that he would collect all the required kit.   Logazor had agreed to pay over a share of the ore which was sitting in his mine as payment for the help.   The party went off to sleep, agreeing to meet at first light ready to set out as it was a 4 hour walk to the mine location.
Report Date
09 Sep 2015
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