Vale of Leaves Campaign

  The Vale of Leaves campaign took place using the 13th Age rules system. It was set in the newly developed valley on the border between Semang and Marlek. The Lich King cast a terrible ritual which killed most of the folk living in the Vale. Our heroes and a few others, luckily escaped the Ritual due to being deep in a mine at the time, thus technically out of the Vale. In the aftermath of the Ritual the Lich King sent his orc and undead troops, led by Kar'ha, into the Vale to capture any survivors.   The PCs rescued all the survivors from the orcs and took the fight to the leaders of the invaders, eventually tracking Kar'ha and his dracolich mount back to The Tower of Shivers where they killed him.   At this, the Tower appeared to magically take off, destination unknown!
Completion Date
16th December 2015