Session 02

General Summary

1st day of the Snake, 678 AR - Kupang
  Headed out to Logazor's mine at first light. Flynn scouted ahead for us. After a couple of hours of tracking Flynn returned just in time to warn us of an impending attack by starving wolves. Flynn turned into a bear! The ensuing fight was ferocious and close. Flynn was mauled and knocked senseless but a rousing command from Quintus brought him around. The wolves turned on Ferrint and the dwarf proved his mettle, standing in the eye of the storm and being the rock around which the party rallied. With Bear-Flynn back into the fight with wicked talons, and Quintus calling out commands and laying about him with his sword the wolves were quickly beaten. We had just prevailed - and learned a lot more about how each of us fights.   Quintus and Flynn had a long chat about Flynn's ability to assume animal form. It was agreed there was nothing illegal in it and that Flynn's secret would be kept. It made a lot of sense to Quintus - as quite a few of the quarries Flynn had chased down, he had brought in telling Quintus that a wild cat or a ferocious bear had killed them before he got there. Quintus had been concerned that there were some seriously nasty wild animals loose in the Vale. Now it seemed it was actually the case that on occasions Flynn had been forced to take animal shape to survive when a fight with a quarry had got desperate.   As we were talking, Flynn smelt woodsmoke. His sense of smell was in fact so accute that he could smell brewing tea. He scouted out the campfire and led us to a group of 5 local trappers. They invited us to sit down and join them for a brew - which we happily accepted.
Report Date
16 Sep 2015
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