Session 04

General Summary

1st day of the Snake, 678 AR - Logazor's Mine
  A couple of goblins rushed past us to check out the mine exit. We followed them and slaughtered them. Ferrint checked the exit and confirmed we could not escape this way. We sent Flynn off to scout the deeper mine and find a way out for us, whilst the rest of us collected some provisions from the mine larder. Flynn found an infirmary full of injured goblins and three 'first aider' goblins. Perhaps one was a shaman. There were no exits from that chamber. The other passage led to a chamber with eight goblins in it. These were alert, organised and we'll armed. One was a definite leader type - maybe the chief. This place had exits leading on. A question arose: what had driven these injured goblins into this place? What had they fled from?   We waited in the dark to see what the goblins would do next. The leader and his entourage went to see what was happening and unfortunately spotted us hiding. Combat ensued! (Fight 4/4). The chief had a serrated dagger which was made by the Orc smiths of Marlek. This implies that the goblin leader was ranked in the Marlek army - or killed an Orc who was. It was clear it was not the former. So where did he get it from? He (Regrek) tells us that Marlek orcs drove them out of the mountains. They came from the area of the strange magical storms. With the orcs came some sort of "flying castle" which landed in the mountains - and caused all the noises and lights. This was the disturbance in the waterfall area. Marlek orcs came out of the castle. The orcs started bossing the goblins of the mountains - so this tribe left. The leader stole a dagger from an Orc commander's tent. We decided to rest up in the larder and get some sleep...  
2nd day of the Snake, 678 AR - Logazor's Mine
  Quintus fell asleep on duty. But it was obviously somehow magically induced as we all experienced the exact same dream. We felt we were in a huge featureless cavern with no walls. Around us were the flames of thousands of lit candles. Slowly we became aware of a small draught. The candles flickered. The draught became a strong breeze. Suddenly there was a single powerful gust and most candles were extinguished. Just before waking up Quintus attention was drawn to 2 small and 1 large candle flame which are clumped together - these are some of a very few flames which survived. Spooky. We all spoke about it and Thorn told us it was a vision of the Underworld. He read his tarot cards and they showed "death is coming". Quintus thinks the candles are representations of people, and the breeze is an invasion of Marlek orcs. Perhaps the 1 large candle and 2 small ones are his family?   After breakfast we looked at Logazor's map. It showed a connection to a nearby mine. We figured we would try and escape that way, figuring that option to be safer than trying to get out here. We noticed that the goblin tribe had left in the night. They appeared to have headed deeper underground. Quintus deemed this to be a good thing. Ferrint successfully led us to the next mine and to the way out. It took us a couple of hours to get there. Ferrint estimated it would take us a few days to dig our way out. We decided we would take the safe option and start digging...  
4th day of the Snake, 678 AR - Logazor's Mine
  Emerged in the late afternoon to a hazy, humid, very overcast day. It was really quiet - unerringly so, with a serious lack of bird call etc. We proceeded very cautiously down towards the Vale with Flynn scouting carefully (as a wolf). Soon we were at Gilpin's shack. There Flynn found a body. It looked like Thorn's tarot card of Death had turned out true. The body was Gilpin's. He had a look of awe and wonder on his face and there were no signs of violence. The shack looked normal, like he had walked outside and died. We all went to his shack. It was as Flynn had said and both sad and very worrying. We started burying Gilpin when out of the nearby hills a band of Marlek Orcs rushed in to attack us! Scarily, the orcs came marching forward, in an ordered military fashion, unlike the barbaric orcs of other parts of the world. They looked organised and efficient. Things looked serious for our brave adventurers...
Report Date
30 Sep 2015
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