Session 05

General Summary

4th day of the Snake, 678 AR - Shack Attack
  Suddenly a stranger in the woods came to our aid with his bow. With his help we defeated the orcs, who were very well disciplined. [Fight 1/4] The orcs had manacles and shackles in their kit. Perhaps they had been hunting slaves? The stranger called himself Keeva. He told us that he'd spotted bandits heading for Kupang. Running from orcs or raiding the village? We captured one of the orcs. Quintus discovered his Scorpion Legion shield had become empowered as a result of his heroic behaviour.   We questioned the Marlek Orc, who was called Danu. They claimed ownership of the Vale for the Lich King. They got here through the mountains. He asked why the Lich King's magic had not killed us. He told us that orcs were in Kupang. He told us he was supposed to be capturing any survivors and taking them to Jukai - one of the main bases of the orcs. Many powerful servants of the Lich King were with the army. The leader in the Vale is an Orc called Zarfu. He does not know the reasons for the invasion. The most powerful creature he knows is in the army is Kar'ha - a senior in the service of the Lich King and an undead sorcerer - possibly the same creature Regrek mentioned. The Lich King's magic killed most of the people in the Vale and the orcs were to sweep up and capture any survivors.   Quintus gave the Orc a clean death for his cooperation. We then finished burying Gilpin and Quintus sang a dirge over his body. Thorn did a tarot reading to see if we should rush to Kupang to save any people under threat of immediate risk, or if we can afford to rest the night here. The cards were negative and I'll fortuned, though there was a glimmer of hope and light. We discussed options and agreed to have a quick nap and then head to Kupang at midnight.  
5th day of the Snake, 678 AR - Scouting Kupang
  Flynn and Keeva scouted ahead of the rest of us. They heard Alton the halfling running for his life being chased by half a dozen or so orcs. We quickly found a tactical terrain spot and prepared a quick ambush. These orcs are not as military as the others and are quickly vanquished [Fight 2/4].   It seemed Alton was one of only a few survivors in Kupang. He was drunk when the Lich King's spell hit the village. He's been drunk since. Two or three villagers including the elder were all who survived. Orcs have taken the village. There are wagons with bars on them in the square with the elder and another villager in them. Some of the dead villagers have been reanimated as undead (which Thorn tells us are zombies). Alton is paranoid about the sky and thinks the orcs have large flying draconian allies. Alton wants to head north to hook up with his family in the northern hills, and we agree.
Report Date
05 Oct 2015
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