Session 06

General Summary

5th day of the Snake, 678 AR - Kupang
  We reached Kupang and Flynn did a scout. The village was overrun with orcs. Lots of them were gathered by the Green Dragon inn, drinking cider. A giant wyvern was hobbled outside Elder Hewlett's house. Zombies and an Orc shaman guarded some supplies elsewhere. Zombies and an Orc shaman guarded some prisoners including Elder Hewlett. Outside the village a group of bandits were hiding and surveying the village. We decided to go and talk to the bandits. It seems they didn't know what had occurred in the Vale. Quintus proposed a truce. The bandits agreed. We agreed to team up to save prisoners and gather supplies from the village, and that the prisoners would be able to head back into the hills with the bandits - to safety. The bandit leader was called Vasey. We agreed to split our attack. We would hit the prisoner guards whilst they attacked the supply dump guards. We rushed the Orc and zombies, and fairly easily slew them. [Fight 1/4]. As soon as we had done Estelar the Druid arrived and told us to join him. We quickly released the prisoners from the wagon. Estelar said we could come back to his base - something he would not normally allow non-Druids to do. It seems the stables have many orcs nearby so rescuing Herecles is impossible at this stage.   We moved off into the forest quietly, following Estelar. We soon reach his Druidic circle. He tells us it will be safe from the orcs here. We agree to get some much needed sleep and talk plans in the morning.  
5th day of the Snake, 678 AR - Estelar's Druid Circle
In the morning Elder Hewlett gave us a magical pendant - his symbol of the village elder. Quintus kindly took it for its magical properties, and promised to give it back to him once the Vale was liberated. Estelar gave Keeva a magical bow to help in defence of the Vale. Flynn spoke at length with Estelar about the ability to shape change into various animal forms and gained some insights to his growing power. We discussed our next move. Thorn told us that the Wyvern would be a formidable fight which would tax us greatly, even alone. We decided that option was probably too much. There are many orcs in Kupang, so an outright attack on them would be foolish. Estelar has travelled around a lot. He told us that all the outer villages are as Kupang. In Jukai things are even worse - more orcs and evil things. Many prisoners are there. He does not know quite why prisoners have been taken. It suspects it is to find out why they survived. He thinks some powerful ritual from the Lich King hit the Vale. Maybe other allies survived - the dwarves in the silver mines or the Legion at Hadrian. He also told us that something strange and arcane was happening at the camp of the Institute members. He could not get close enough to see what it was. Maybe it was an arcane defence they had erected? Thorn consulted his tarot cards but told us that something about either the Druidic circle or the arcane defences of the camp make an accurate reading impossible, but he did sense danger - albeit unrelated to the Orc invasion. Estelar shared the way to return to the Druidic circle with Flynn, though it was cryptic and none of the rest understood it. Still, if Flynn was alive we could find this place again. we have to keep Flynn alive then. We are allowed to bring Vale refugees to his circle for safety, but not others without his express permission.   We headed off towards the arcane camp, reflecting that this whole invasion was still less than a few days old. The weather was still gloomy and overcast - some unnatural weather caused by the Lich King no doubt. Soon we reached the arcane camp. It was protected by a whirling vortex of energy, and some dead orcs were lying around outside it. Some students were lying dead inside the camp. They appeared to have died from the Lich King's spell, combined with some sort of arcane injuries. The orcs look to have been slain by the arcane vortex. Inside the camp we spotted arcane machinery which looked to be the source of the vortex. We could see no one alive inside or outside, but there were some tents in the camp. Calling out to the camp there was some movement, and we could see Minos, injured in a tent. We gained as much info as possible from Minos and a quick examination of the arcane vortexes and determined the weakest point of the protective field. Rushing forward we smashed into the defences and struggled through [Fight 2/4].
Report Date
12 Oct 2015
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