Session 07

General Summary

5th day of the Snake, 678 AR - Arcane Camp near Kupang
  Entering the camp we found Minos battered and hurt. He said he had a wand crafted by the Archmage Camero. He had no need for it anymore so passed it over to Thorn. We explained the events of the last few days to him. He told us he observed crazy arcane events and was able to triangulate the epicenter as the caves above Sibu. This is obviously where it all started. The leylines vibrating will have alerted other groups and forces - notably the drow. He wanted to escape the Vale and get back to the Institute, but we were not sure how he could do this. We offered to take him with us to Jukai and Fort Hadrian. He wanted to go to the Druid. We agreed to this plan so we split up. Keeva and Flynn escorted him back to the Druid's circle whilst the rest of us set off for Jukai. We expected Keeva and Flynn to catch up soon. We agreed to meet at a well known campsite half way to Jukai on the main trail.   We went very slowly and carefully as we had no scout with us. We soon realised that without trackers and scouts we were a bit lost. Fortunately Quintus at least knew the route and terrain. We followed the route of the road but kept off the track itself. Quintus sang a rousing Rodinian marching song and Thorn hummed along tunelessly. About half way to the campsite our journey was disturbed by the sounds of something charging through the undergrowth towards us. We had entered a gloomy part of the forest where the trees were widely spaced. Suddenly breaking through the trees ahead were three warg riders! The wargs clearly had our scent and the Orc riders on their backs spotted us and charged. These were fully trained Marlek Orc legion heavy cavalry, complete with heavy barding armour [Fight 3/4]. We were on fire tactically and physically and obliterated the three orcs in seconds. Two wargs fled and Quintus sliced the head off the last one. We searched the orcs for orders but there were none. We guessed they were searching for survivors.   A few hours later we reach the agreed campsite and soon met Keeva and Flynn. We told them of our fight. They told us that Estelar had provided refuge to Minos. He will try and help him to contact the Institute. The Druid also said that he had scouted Kupang and there had found the village abuzz with Orc activity. They were patrolling heavily. It was a good thing we moved away. We set up camp for the night. The trackers were great at helping us set up a safe and secure camp. As such we got a fully restful night's sleep.  
6th day of the Snake, 678 AR - Woodland Camp
  The weather was still gloomy and oppressively hot. We broke camp and headed along near the road to Jukai, keeping the road in sight. Quintus told the group that his villa lay along this road, just outside Jukai. It was his wish to go and see what had happened to it and to his family. Thorn checked the tarot cards to see what he knew of Falconius Villa and relayed to us that themes of Silence, Emptiness and a Candle were present. We discussed what this might mean and there some theories to do with Quintus' family either not being present, or perhaps being hidden and unfound. Keeva and Flynn managed to help us avoid a few Orc patrols along the journey. One small group of orcs looked easy pickings and we ambushed them and wiped them out easily.  
6th day of the Snake, 678 AR - Falconius Villa
  Around lunchtime we arrived near Falconius Villa. Flynn went off to scout the area and came back to report that he had spotted no sign of orcs, but the front door was ajar. He thought he could see candle flames inside. The property appeared undamaged. No inn-sewer-ants claim for Quintus. Flynn had heard something alive inside but was not convinced it was human. We decided to go and check it out. Quintus led the party into the villa through the servants' entrance. We moved quickly to the main habitation area. Over the main fireplace Quintus found an envelope addressed to him from his wife, Ella. It told him that she had taken the kids to Marudi with some urgency at the behest of her mother, Drew (the part time mystic). There were signs the place had been searched but not utterly ransacked. Drawers had been opened as if searching for valuables. We could hear whispering from the servants quarters which did not appear human. Thorn thought they were goblins. Quintus explained the layout of the property and the rooms the goblins were in. We agreed we should finish them off so they could not warn the orcs of our presence. We also agreed to keep the leader alive for questioning. [Fight 4/4].   We found the bodies of Quintus' servants who appeared to have died from the Lich King's curse. It seemed the orcs themselves had yet to find or search the villa. The goblins work for the orcs and are not supposed to be robbing the houses but retrieving the bodies here. Greedy goblins. The goblins told us that there are many orcs in Jukai - but less than were in Kupang. The rest are searching the Vale for survivors. Jukai is an open town with no wall. The Orc leader is called Zarfu (we have heard of him already) and he is not in Jukai - he has gone west, towards Fort Hadrian. Zarfu has a ghoul horde with him. The leader here now is Jerrek, an orc champion.
Report Date
19 Oct 2015
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