Session 08

General Summary

6th day of the Snake, 678 AR - Jukai
  Keeva and Flynn scouted the town of Jukai, whilst the rest of us burnt the bodies left in the villa.   The scouts found that there were not too many orcs in the town. There were seven prisoners in wagons on the east side of town, guarded by an ogre and a half dozen zombies. The road to Sibu looked like it had been heavily travelled by the orc legions. There was a horde of zombies milling around the festival field on the west side of the town - many of whom were recognisable. The town was still festooned ready for the festival. Orcs and goblins were milling around, searching the buildings for bodies and taking them to the center of town to be turned onto zombies by shaman there.   The scouts witnessed an angry meeting between Jerrek, a necromancer orc, and a bandaged creature, covered in runes, who we knew to be called Kar'ha. It seemed all the orc commanders were necromancers. There was a conflict of opinion on what to do with the prisoners. Jerrek wanted to kill them and reanimate them. Kar'ha angrily reminded the orc of the importance of living prisoners to the Lich King's experiments.   It was mentioned that more prisoners were due to arrive here on the 7th June, which was the next day, and then be sent off to the Tower of Shivers in the mountains, the day after that, the 8th June. Apparently also some bandits were recently captured near Kupang. It looked like the orcs would be forced to upgrade prisoner security as Kar'ha wanted to make sure all prisoners were safe. Jerrek was to personally inspect the prisoners there at dusk that night.As they watched on a large skeletal dragon came down from the clouds and landed. Kar'ha mounted it and flew off east.   We discussed plans at length and consulted Thorn's cards. They showed the Tower, the Star and the Sun. One of the cards had disaster and sudden change as associations, and the tarot reading implied the latter interpretation. We agreed to risk an attack on the town at night when Jerrek would be visiting the prisoners, with a view to trying to strike a serious blow against Marlek.   We waited until dusk and then approached the town. We got close to the prisoners who were still guarded by an ogre and zombies. Soon Jerrek appeared, strolling to the prisoners. We decided to attack [Fight 1/4 + 2/4].   The orc leader was smashed unconscious by a singing Quintus but it did manage to call out for reinforcements. Another orc and a small horde of ghouls came to help. The ogre laid about it heavily but with good tactics and an eagle-eyed Keeva striking everything which moved, we easily prevailed.   We rescued the prisoners from their bonds and faded back into the night, taking Jerrek with us. The orc commander had a suit of black mithril chain armour, forged in the fires of Marlek. Keeva took the opportunity to swap undergarments with Jerrek, exchanging mithril armour for soiled briefs.
Report Date
28 Oct 2015
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