Session 12

General Summary

10th day of the Snake, 678 AR - The Silver Mines
  With Ferrint's brother rescued there was much rejoicing. We decided to go and track down the missing gem thief for Ferrint thinking that he was hiding in the silver processing hut. We left families behind and escaped back into the hills through the secret entrance. Quintus rode Herecles and we headed down to the area where the hut was.   We reached the hut and Flynn-mouse snuck in to scout the place out. The interior of the hut was a huge open space bar a small office at the back of the building. Flynn opened the front door from the inside and let us in. Someone had stacked crates up against the inside of the front door to help keep people out.   We moved to the back office and listened. It appeared dark inside but there was breathing and muttering coming from the room so we figured it was occupied. Ferrint carefully opened the door to find a dark room. As he did a high pitched voice told us to leave. We decided to ignore him and try to get him to give up the gem. The cursed dwarf attacked!   We waded in, but the noise of the fight attracted a small pack of zombies from outside. We focussed on the dwarf and rapidly subdued him, but the zombies caused us a little more trouble, but not much. Soon there were 4 (properly) dead zombies and an unconscious dwarf at our feet. [Fight 1/4]   We returned the gem thief to the dwarves where he began his recovery from the effect of the gem. Ferrint took the gem off him, and began to feel increasingly paranoid. Quintus said farewell to his family, and Ferrint to his brother. We ate a quick lunch and then left the silver mines, headed for Fort Hadrian, which we hoped to reach that evening.   Flynn-bird scouted in the air, whilst Keeva scouted on foot. Quintus rode Herecles whilst the others walked. Passing the village of Jawa there were still many orcs around raising the undead, including skeletons from the village graveyard. We took a route around the very edge of the Vale and as evening began to set in we reached where the main Rodinian road passed out of the Vale into Semang proper. It was still 6 miles to Fort Hadrian.   At the mouth of the Vale was the scene of a huge battle. Many dead lay here and a few packs of ghouls continued to roam the area. The dead appeared to be Orc-ghouls and Rodinian legionnaires. In the hills to the north of us we spotted a flash of Rodinian red which was instantly gone. Perhaps it was a Rodinian scout? We decided to investigate the flash of red and headed up into the hills in that direction.   Flynn-bird soon found the Rodinian survivor who appeared injured. He appeared alone. Reporting back to us he told us the story. We headed up to the spot the legionnaire was hidden. It was Sergeant Arnet. He had a broken leg, and Quintus offered him a potion of healing to aid with pain management.   We asked him for information on what had happened on the road below. He said that he considered himself lucky. His horse reared and fell, breaking his leg, smothering him and knocking him unconscious. He was not bitten by the ghouls. He managed to escape up into the hills, crawling to safety. Some of his colleagues had risen as ghouls, and the rest were being eaten by ghouls. He assumed there may have been the odd survivor but he had not seen any. This all happened about 4 days ago. There were about 400 legionnaires and an equal number of ghouls. The ghouls were more powerful, one for one, than the soldiers.   Apparently Reynold had remained at Fort Hadrian. Arnet believed it to be safe. So far. They were preparing for a siege. We thought that the fort should have scouts out and should know what had happened.   There were some Orc commanders and the general was still in the area. We could see roughly where he was, with an entourage. Should we attack him? We discussed options. Quintus gave Herecles and a spare healing potion to Sergeant Arnet in order to get him safely to Fort Hadrian. He thanked us and told us he would head off when dusk fell.   Flynn-bird flew off to scout the battle field, specifically looking for Zarfu, the Orc general. He found him, surrounded by ghouls, but Flynn was able to plot a route to his location. We had an opportunity, and decided to take it.   As we snuck into the battlefield we could not avoid a small pack of ghouls. They looked like ex-legionaries. We quickly dispatched them, but this alerted Zarfu the general. [Fight 2/4]   Zarfu turned out to be an Orc ghoul and was surrounded by Orc-ghoul commanders and some fresh ghoul legionnaires. The fight was short and bloody but by working as a cohesive unit and focussing our efforts into this extremely significant battle, we managed to destroy the orc-ghoul leader and all his minions [Fight 3/4].   All that was left to do now was to travel up into the mountains above Sibu, join up with a drow raiding party and infiltrate the Tower of Shivers and bring Kar'ha to justice. How hard could it be...?
Report Date
23 Nov 2015
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