Session 15

General Summary

11th day of the Snake, 678 AR - The Tower of Shivers
  We launched into battle with Kar'ha and his Wendigo henchman. We were obviously overwhelmed by the sheer occasion and Kar'ha's presence, as no matter how Quintus tried to cajole and encourage and berate his companions they were less than useless. Quintus suddenly found himself face to face with the evil master as his companions shot arrows into the roof or spent ages turning large and hairy.   Then as if things weren't terrible enough some of the orc commanders died - and their spirits entered the fray on the side of evil. Things already looked grim. Then Thorn came to the party. He focused his mind on the evil ghosts surrounding us and obliterated them all in one massive explosion of psychic power. Immense.   Kar'ha then looked Quintus deep in the eyes and told him to aid him. Quintus lacked the willpower to resist and turned on his friends. Numpty. He moved away from Kar'ha and struck Ferrint in the back. Pleb. Ferrint fought the Wendigo bravely but without much effect. He seemed to be falling for the spirit's strange curses.   Then the last few orc commanders died, releasing the last five ghosts. As if we needed more opponents. Then Flynn-bear stepped up to engage Kar'ha and fell under his withering gaze. The evil undead master erased one of Flynn-bear's power deep from inside his mind. Spooky.   Ferrint was still fighting the Wendigo and suffering from hunger pangs and swung back to return the attack against Quintus. Idiots.   Flynn-bear was enraged about Kar'ha's actions and slashed the mummy-thing across the torso with a ragged claw. The strike was so powerful it staggered the undead lord. Kar'ha then called to Quintus who rushed back to his side and swung a clumsy sword at Flynn.   Ferrint was then overwhelmed by the powerful mind probes of the spirit and collapsed in a jibbering mess. The orc-ghosts swarmed over Thorn and Keeva and things looked even more grim. Keeva had a mini-stroke (and not in a good way) and even hitting the tower walls was becoming a struggle for him. Plank.   Kar'ha began to cuddle Flynn-bear and sucked the very life energy out of him. He also somehow managed to erase another ability from the shapechanger's mind.   Quintus rushed across the tower once more and this time swung clumsily at Keeva. Finally he was able to shake off his confusion and as his eyes focused he looked around and swore. His companions were is desperate trouble. It was time to step up to the plate. He began an extremely loud and positive combat chant.   Flynn growled angrily and thrashed madly at the undead lord. There was a flurry of claws, paws and gnashers and when the dust cleared Kar'ha was in tatters. The undead lord was on his last legs. Flynn flipped his Dagger of Marlek in his hand and thrust it powerfully into the chest of the monster. It groaned and shuddered and collapsed. Amazing.   There was still a Wendigo and some ghosts to fight but things looked to have turned a corner. In fact Keeva suddenly hit his straps and fired a series of accurate arrows into each of the ghosts, dissipating all of them, and then one through the neck of the Wendigo. It was rocked back and fizzling.   Quintus called out to Flynn and helped him to throw off the unnatural hunger he was feeling, and smote the Wendigo with his sword. Flynn-bear swiped the Wendigo again and it started to evaporate. But it still had some power left. It swiped both Flynn and Quintus, dropping the shapeshifter and hurting the legionary commander. Then it teleported out of combat with the warriors and appeared next to Thorn.   Thorn tried to focus but the Wendigo blasted him with psychic damage, however such was the power of Thorn's mind that the blast was partially reflected back and the Wendigo was destroyed.   Wow. Epic.  
11th day of the Snake, 678 AR - Take Off!
  Thorn realized that Kar'ha had a part of his soul. He began the ritual to absorb his soul shard into his body. But with the death of Kar'ha suddenly the Tower of Shivers began to shake. It seemed the tower was starting to take off! As far as we knew the drow party and Rodinian scouts were still in the tower. Would they get out in time? Could we? Did we want to? Where was the tower going? Did we want to be inside when it went there?   Tune in to Part Two to find out...
Report Date
16 Dec 2024
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