Nectataten the Ever-cautious Character in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Nectataten the Ever-cautious

The Ever-Cautious Nectataten Unknown

Hundreds of millennia ago the great armies of the Necrons surveyed across the galaxy and saw that they were victorious. Everything had been conquered, the armies of the Old Ones had been defeated and no foes remained to conquer. As a result the Necrons returned to their tombs to sleep away the ages, deathless and affirmed in their dominance over all creation. In this time the defeated remnants of the Eldar began to rebuild, the Ork spores that had been overlooked grew to fruition and a race of primates on a backwater planet called Terra gained sentience.    In modern times millions of Terran standard years later powerful machines deep beneath the surface of Ritammeron jolted to life again. The observance protocols in the tomb had detected life had once again returned to the galaxy in enough force to warrant the reanimation protocols be activated in the Necrons once again. Among the first to arise form their near-eternal slumber was Nectataten the Ever-Cautious.    Nectataten remembered the wars in heaven, he remembered the vile throng of life that were purged from existence, he remembered the sensation of victory on the battlefield and the images of carnage he had wrought. He didn't remember much about himself though. While scanning the backlogs of his memory banks Nectataten discovered many corrupted sectors and datafiles detailing his earliest memories as a Necron. He had a vague recollection of his time as a fleshy Necrontyr but no true concept of his heritage or dynasty as a construct of living metal and malice.   As a dynastic house with no remembered name or way to contact other Necron dynasties, Nectataten looked out over his nameless empire and decided to start from scratch coining his people who awoke around him as "The Lost Dynasty" Perhaps if he could contact other Tomb world the databanks there could fill in some missing information for him. Since the baby was already out with the bathwater as it were, Nectataten decided to write a new playbook as it were. He was too isolated for other Necrons to go it alone completely. He would need supplemental forces to retake this sector and contact other tombs. He delegated to his warriors that they not only destroy the biologic's homes but also capture them for an indentured work force so his warriors wouldn't split their strength between construction, repairs and expansion.   The overlooked primates from Terra had rapidly expanded while the Necrons slept and Nectataten found them in abundance on Ritammeron. The order to capture fleeing refugees yielded many easy dividends and he directed his new work for to uncover previously buried tombs and Necron structures on the planet. His armies grew daily and the war on Ritammeron seemed like a forgone conclusion.   One day while surveying battle reports and construction briefings he felt a powerful surge of energy. Directing the planetary sensors outward into the void he scanned a Tear of Isha aboard the approaching ship 'The Eternal Perdition'. Seeing this as an opportunity to boost his own signal relays with the intense power of the Eldar stone he made preparations for it's capture.

Personality Characteristics


Rediscovering his Lost Dynasty

Wealth & Financial state

Overlord of an entire Dynasty and tomb world. While he holds no monetary wealth his power and influence in the sector are undeniable.

Cold unfeeling metal draped across a grimacing face with a heart full of hatred for the living, hell-bent on restoring his Dynasty to glory and controlling the Segmentum Obscurus.

Character Location
Current Location
Waiting for events to unfold
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True Nuetral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Ever-Cautious
Date of Birth
Before Recorded History
Circumstances of Birth
Born on the dying planet of the Necron homeworld
Circumstances of Death
Subsumed the necrodermis and became a Necron
Current Residence
The Ritammeron Tomb World
Flaring green lights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Glossy tarnished silvery metal
350 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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