The Lost Dynasty Organization in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

The Lost Dynasty

The name of the Lost Dynasty once entombed across the Expanse has long been forgotten and lost to many due to the corruption of data. What can be recovered from the various databanks varies, and is questionably reliable at best, but with no other leads, those seeking to reunite their fellows make do with what they can find.   The Lost Dynasy has become the standard moniker for the Necrons in the Expanse, even adopted by the Necrons themselves. Perhaps due to the shame of having their once great Dynasty destroyed, perhaps because they have forgotten themselves. None can say for certain. No known completely undamaged Tomb Worlds exist within the charted regions of the Koronus Expanse. Milennia of raiders and skullduggery on the edges of the galaxy has led to them being more kinetically abused than anywhere else in the galaxy. Orcish and Eldar presence alone was responsible for much of the damage long before the Imperium of Man reached this far out.  

Necron Tomb Worlds in the Koronus Expanse

  The actual location of Necron Tomb Worlds in the Expanse is unknown, but where there are some, there are always more. While the Imperium is somewhat familiar with their presence in the Expanse, but has been unable to narrow down the regions of greatest concentration.
Court, Royal
Controlled Territories


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