Seldon's Folly Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Seldon's Folly

“If you should ever need an example of the terrible power of lust and jealousy, look no further. This place is a monument to those sins, and thousands more.”
–Sergeant Erist Holk

  Seldon's Folly is a war world within the Ragged Worlds of the Koronus Expanse. Among the numerous reasons man has found to justify the pursuit of war and the wholesale slaughter of his fellow man, the love of a woman seems to be more justifiable than most. Once a pleasant planet known as Pastorus, this blighted, war ravaged world was relatively unknown until its discovery by the capricious Rogue Trader Marrus Seldon. On Pastorus, Seldon found an extremely advanced human society seemingly descended from an Imperial colony. They had a rudimentary knowledge of the God-Emperor, a wealth of ancient technologies, and even a small but well-trained navy of inter-system ships. Seldon, a devout follower of the God-Emperor and shrewd businessman, saw great potential for both conversion and archeotech trade. He brokered negotiations between the planetary governor, his dynasty, and the Ecclesiarchy that were extremely beneficial to all sides.

  It was during these long meetings that he met the governor’s young wife, and they began a long and passionate intrigue. Upon its inevitable discovery, the governor furiously and forcibly ejected Seldon, his retinue, and the Ecclesiarchy delegation. In his leaving, Seldon raided the gubernatorial palace, taking his mistress with him and doing incredible damage. However, the planetary navy intercepted his ship, and a massive battle took place in low orbit. During the battle, Seldon’s mistress was killed and, maddened with rage, he declared war on Pastorus. He brought his not-inconsiderable martial assets to bear and invaded the planet, causing millions of deaths and untold destruction. Not long after the invasion, Seldon was killed when his ship was destroyed by saboteurs, and his forces bogged down fighting the well-equipped and highly trained professional armies of Pastorus.

  Now, decades later, the remains of Seldon’s armies are still entrenched on the planet they’ve renamed Seldon’s Folly, forever fighting the dwindling planetary defense forces. Unable to stop and unwilling to surrender, these armies have reduced the once-beautiful world to a smoldering, crater-filled warzone. Where the land is not poisoned it is radioactive, and the skies are clouded with chemical weapons and blackened by the smoke of charnel fires. Eventually, all life will be destroyed on Seldon’s Folly, and it will forever stand as a monument to one man’s jealousy and madness.
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