Session II: Flying blind in a lightning storm - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session II: Flying blind in a lightning storm - Report

General Summary

So our intrepid band of ruffians under the guise of a Rogue Trader's officers made tracks to the Gilt Processional immediately. They considered kidnapping Zeek and putting him on their ship before but the idea was left behind. Maybe next time you are in Port Wander. They made their way to the headquarters of the Gilt Processional after Stig frightened some poor citizen who's breath smelled like he was rotting from the inside. Eventually they were able to convince the all seeing receptionist, the one who sees all without looking, that they did belong there and were able to meet once again with their would-be benefactor and patron Chime Hobart. Isaac looked for the strange xeno device he glimpsed before but Chime was being more careful to not allow his naval styled long coat open again.   The crew asked Chime some basic questions and learned that xenos could be present. Meaning they likely would be present on or around the planet. Chime once again was light on the details but the crew learned that the object they were after was close to the size of a small civilian grav vehicle and while not a biological could potentially house an intelligence of some kind. This was enough incentive for Rasp to beat feet towards the ship insisting haste. On their way out Bjorn asked if Chime could wire the necessary fund to pay his crew who had not been paid after surviving a harrowing Ork attack. The amount of money transferred to the ship's accounts was exact to the throne of what was needed to pay the entire 33,000ish man crew.   Isaac opened his third eye and looked out upon the great warp storms of the halo stars and looked for a passage through the roiling turmoil of the warp. Unfortunately warp storms are not to be trifled with and just as many navigators before him failed to find passage through the storms before the discovery of the maw Isaac too was found wanting. Going forward with a less risky path, Isaac was able to easily plot a longer but safer path through the warp. With a little assistance and Rasp whispering sweet nothings to the ship the group made their way to the Corpse fortune system.   Once in system, they immediately picked up a distress signal. After some debate of who was staying and who was going most of the Party piled onto a beat up Aquila lander and launch towards the derelict ship. Isaac discovered through his divination of the warp that the ship did house a couple dozen life forms and though the wreck was imperial the life forms aboard it were not. Vanirach or Ani as she is called by her crew mates remained on board 'the eternal perdition' believing the trip was a mistake.   It turns out that Ani was correct as Stig piloted the lander over to the derelict 2 Rak'Gol raiders sprung an ambush from behind a nearby moon. Stig's copilot Murk had noticed a weird flashing ligh on hos console but had decided to ignore it because it was red, and red means fast to an ork and Stig was indeed moving very fast so he thought nothing of it. Stig drifted into the hanger without incident, sliding in on a 90 degree angle so he could more easily pull out and leave when the team was done. The vox came to life and warned the lander's crew that Rak'Gol Raiders were incoming and the Eternal Perdition was engaging. Ani moved the Frigate into position and took to battle. Stig turned on the lander's lights and shined about a half dozen Rak'Gol in the hanger bay who sprung at the ship and started hacking at it.   Stig tried to pilot back out into the void but unfortunately hit the gas early and put the lander into the wall of the inside of the hanger. The sudden shock knocked the wind out of the machine spirit and cause the lander to stall out. The upside is that Stig did manage to smash the Rak'Gol attacking the front of the ship against the wall spraying purplish blood everywhere. Rasp began coaxing the machine spirit back to life and Isaac attempted to help him do so employing his considerable psychic powers. Unfortunately the warp overtook him and caused him to temporarily lose his physical eyesight. Eventually Rasp recovered the ship's engines and Stig was able to put the lander back out into space.   Ani had rounded on one of the two raiders and successfully employed the frigate's lance against it. One of the two raiders broke off to avoid another direct hit from the Eternal Perdition's main cannon. Ani also decided to move the ship into a protective posture so that most of the officers on the lander could get back on the ship unmolested. The Laser cannon batteries continued to fire and damaged parts of the second ship as she did so but the crew under Ani's command were starting to allow their racist roots to show and were resenting all of the combat orders they were receiving from a xeno. Seeing an opportunity to make her mark before the captain returned to the ship Ani, rammed the second enemy Rak'Gol Raider and spun the body of the frigate to allow the lander better access to re-board. Unfortunately Stig was again not quite up to the challenge and got close along side but wasn't able to put it in the hole.   In what can only be described as lunacy, Rasp, a known xenophobe and racist, convinced Murk to "jump for it" so he could "get on the guns" and beat his gun crews into shape. Murk made a daring jump out into the void to try and land on the hanger or gun deck of the perdition but he missed entirely and went sailing off into the dark of the void. Bjorn shot his grapple gun at him to try and hook him and tow him in with the lander but missed completely and the grapnel detached and Murk grabbed the now useless object and waved as he sailed away through the zero G night.   We pick up at the top of this comedy of errors next time. Will Stig land the ship? Will Murk eventually orbit a star? Will the crew survive it's first encounter with the Rak'Gol the answers to this and more, next time.

Rewards Granted

+5 xp from this session +2 xp from the previous session

Missions/Quests Completed

We are now almost done with part 1 of the plot milk run and plan to quickly move into part 2 during next session after finishing combat with the Rak'Gol.

Character(s) interacted with

The Honorable Chime Hobart, Lord of the Gilt Processional PC's encountered Rak'Gol

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B 2
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Strain 0/12
Soak 6
Defence M1/R1
Report Date
08 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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