Session III: The cold of snow and space - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session III: The cold of snow and space - Report

General Summary

We jump back into the game in the middle of the action. Immediately Stig made the wise choice to remove the small lander from the available targets for the attacking Rak'Gol ships and landed inside the Eternal Perdition without incident. The crew immediately broke towards their chosen sections of the ship in order to salvage the quickly spiraling combat. The two Rak'Gol vessels had put themselves in decent firing positions and while Ani was arguing with the racist bridge crew they made good on the opportunity to bring down the Eternal Perdition's shields. The crew blatantly refused to fire the cannons under the command of the attractive xeno first mate.   With a whole new set of problems coming at them beyond the racist crew the players moved to their tasks. Isaac started using his psychic powers to guide the ship's weapons more accurately. Stig started barking orders at the gun crews to make them work in a more competent manner. Ani shoved one of the useless racists from their seat and targeted the enemy vessel with the ship's gun systems herself. Bjorn made for the bridge and eventually started to successfully give orders to the unruly crew. Murk continued to float through space on a random trajectory until he fired at one of the Rak'Gol ships, shoving him backwards. This gave Murk an idea. Finally Rasp was able to bring up the shields.   Unfortunately for Rasp, and really the rest of the crew aboard the Eternal Perdition, the shields were rocked by the Rak'Gol's cannon batteries bringing them crashing down, overloading the system to a degree that made the power cascade and destroy the shield system control unit. The system would need to be repaired to operate again. The rest of the crew kept firing in order to attempt to drive off their determined attackers while the more distant of the Rak'Gol ships maneuvered into position in order to fire their large front mounted cannon.   Murk was happily shooting his way back towards his floating home at the point when the distant Rak'Gol ship fired their main cannon battery. The shot went wide across the bow of the Eternal Perdition and nearly fried Murk. The heat, force and inertia of the laser blast sent him spinning off in another random direction. The other enemy ship was having equal issues. They fired with the wrong broadside cannon batteries shooting at the empty space to the wrong side of their vessel. This was enough time for Rasp to repair the shield system but not bring it back online.   The battle proceeded in a positive direction from there. The crew worked fairly well in tandem, communicating effectively to each other through the use of their microbeads to tell each other what they were doing in order to effectively bring the two damaged enemy ships down. Isaac helped guide the shots, Murk floated listlessly, Stig fired as many guns as possible, Ani and Bjorn guided the action from the bridge and Rasp diverted power to the main lance successfully to allow it to fire much faster than usual, taxing the system but being largely responsible for not letting the second ship escape.   After the battle was over Murk was able to blast his way onboard much to the surprise and dismay of Rasp but the the elation of all the others. Murk then used the two floating husks of the Rak'Gol as target practice for the gun batteries, melting and exploding them into true rubble. Beyond the value of scrap the bust hulls were worth little else at this time. A thought about using the two ships as target practice for his gun crews crossed his mind for the briefest of moments before the nary uncontrollable Ork urge to destroy overtook him.   The crew then discussed what they should do about the imperial derelict for a time. Eventually after much ado they decided to head back over to the ship with the added precaution of boarding with the murder servitors first. The servitors were given order to clear the docking bay which they had accomplished by the time Stig pulled back in to the hanger. Rak'Gol apparently die in spectacular fashion similar to stepping on a bug.   After some more indecision Stig and Murk led the way down half the length of the ship to the bridge. Once there Rasp slapped away Stig's hand as he attempted to push a random button. Rasp then got to work on enabling systems, digging up data and locating the remaining hostiles on the ship. As he did so he did unfortunately set off all the claxons aboard the ship definitely alerting any potential enemies that they still had unwelcome visitors on board. During his sweep of the CCTV system Rasp uncovered footage of three Rak'Gol standing over a badly beaten and bloody humanoid figure. He turned over the footage to Captain Bjorn and washes his hands of responsibility, instead returning his attention to the neglected machine spirit adrift in the void cold and alone for centuries.   Bjorn and the rest of the crew quickly moved to the intended location. Isaac foresaw a coming fight and used his powers to place a shield over Stig expecting the large man to take the brunt of the combat. As a parting thought Rasp vented all unescorted xenos out into the void.   Stig attempted to boot in the solid metal bulkhead of the room containing the Rak'Gol only to realize it was a sliding door. As the door opened Ani was able to discern the thoughts of the three Rak'Gul standing over the humanoid. They want to do one of three things or all three and were arguing about the order of events to come. They could kill it, eat it, or defile it as Ani understood them to be talking about. The door finished sliding open and battle was unceremoniously begun between the crew and the Rak'Gol. Stig took some minor hits and Murk took a solid blow during the combat but in the end, the Rak'Gul laid dead, a combined effort between the 5 crew who had actively participated and not watched from the bridge through CCTV monitors while eating popcorn.   The humanoid was clearly Aeldari after getting a good look at her and she was badly injured. She spoke out in their mystical language in distorted tonal clusters like someone had set their hand down palm first on a group of piano keys. What she said Ani understood as "Save me from these awful Mon-Keigh". Ani spoke with her and Bjorn ordered Murk to bring her to Rasp to be operated on.   Murk palmed the delicate waste of the seemingly young woman who tried to protest but was too weak to fight back. They took her immediately to Rasp. Murk shoved the poor woman like a young child would display a doll to a relative. "Fix" was Murks deep insight into the current situation. "Captain said to fix" Clearly unhappy with the presence of yet another xeno creature Rasp began to operate on her without using anesthesia of any sort but a great degree of ability. The surgery was successful but ultimately to much for the woman as she blacked out before they could speak to her. They brought her back to the Eternal Perdition and placed her in a locked suite to talk to her later.   Before finally moving into orbit above Corpse-Fortune Primaris Rasp sent crew back to the derelict with precise instructions on how to remove the augers of the derelict vessel to attach to the Eternal perdition later on for an upgrade.

Rewards Granted

Upgraded Auger Array for the Eternal Perdition. (Not installed, parts are in the cargo bay currently)
Las Carbine
Las Pistol
Long dead crewman's skull

Missions/Quests Completed

The crew have stripped the floating derelict and slagged the remains of the two Rak'Gol vessels that attacked them. Finally they have arrived in orbit above Corpse-Fortune Primaris ready to head down onto the surface in earnest.

Character(s) interacted with

Yvraine Ullathani


Murk took a skull from one of the dead crewmen aboard the imperial derelict.
Bjorn, Murk and Stig took random weapons off the dead crew of the imperial derelict.
Rasp recovered two heavily encrypted folders that could potentially contain STC's
Auger Array of the derelict Imperial Vessel was salvaged by the crew under Rasp's direction
Legacy of a Rogue
B 4
A 3
I 2
C 2
W 2
P 2
Wounds 21/21
Strain 13/13
Soak 8
Defence M1/R1
Murc Boilah-Krusha
B 5
A 3
I 1
C 2
W 3
P 2
Wounds 0/26
Strain 4/13
Soak 9
Defence M1/R1
Forge World
B 3
A 3
I 4
C 2
W 3
P 1
Wounds /13
Strain /13
Soak 4
Defence M1/R1
Vanirach (Ani)
B 2
A 3
I 3
C 2
W 2
P 2
Wounds 1/12
Strain 0/12
Soak 6
Defence M1/R1
Report Date
15 Sep 2020
Primary Location


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