Session IV: From the Fridge to the Freezer - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session IV: From the Fridge to the Freezer - Report

General Summary

High above Corpse-Fortune Primaris in stable orbit 'the crew' spoke impatiently on the bridge of the Eternal Perdition. Not fully committed or secure in any specific plan or landing location the party hemmed and hawed about what to do and how best to reach the xeno-temple buried beneath the ice of this sad frozen ball in the middle of nowhere. After much ado about which location to land at they settled on starting at the abandoned Skitarii encampment hoping to find some equipment that they could rig up to cut through the glacially thick ice which separated them from their primary target, the xeno ruins which had been indicated to them by Chime Hobart.   Wasting no time, Stig strapped himself into the pilot's seat and prodded the other to hurry aboard as he eagerly revved the engines of the old abused lander, of which many new dents were his handy work. The doors sealed behind them and the crew descended to the planet through the void into the atmosphere. As they entered many noticed and took note of the permanent massive storm Ullr whose wind whipped clouds and threatening precipitation reach the apex of the atmosphere. Readings on the storm returned information that the crew decided was untenable and they gave the angry ice throwing giant a wide berth.   Stig, landed the vessel close to the southern edge of camp so that any collected materials would not have far to travel in order to be loaded. Isaac scanned for presences an was awarded with alarming information that something using or related to the warp was in one of the nearby semi-permanent structures. The party gathered their belongings and opened the exterior door of the lander.   The unbelievable cold came rushing into the ship. It was a warm day on Corpse-Fortune and the temperature was a balmy -40 degrees F. Murk wasted no time and practically bounded off the ship into the snow banks heading off towards the stacks of materials the adeptus mechanicus had left behind. The rest of the crew moved cautiously or at least non-aggressively in Stig's case towards the buildings. There were about a dozen buildings or tents all told. There may have been more at one point but a massive snow drift had accumulated at the western edge of the encampment and one tent was already practically under the pile and who knows how many others had already been reclaimed by the planet.   Most of the crew gravitated toward the metal building that Isaac had pointed out as housing the warp energies that he had detected while Murk was busying himself carrying crate after crate to the lander. Bjorn, Rasp, Ani and Isaac half peeked into the building with some trepidation. They couldn't see much beyond it probably serving as an infirmary when the mechanicus were here because the power was off and most of the room was cast in heavy shadow though they could make out a hatch leading to a separate room at the back of the building. Cold metal trays with surgical equipment and injectors with stimulants of some kind could be seen from the exterior door where they were. The air that greeted them when they opened the hatch-like door into the building was warm, which was strange as the power had been off for some time. The life sustaining systems had gone dead likely a hundred years ago.   Seeing nothing amiss Stig forced his way into the room which looked small with the very large man standing in it. He grabbed a handful of stimms off a nearby tray and shoved them into his pockets. Rasp headed off to find the power station which must be present even at a base camp as small as this. He headed to another similarly large metal structure to see if he could restore power. Isaac sensed the power he had felt from the back room and decided to not immediately rush in choosing caution when dealing with the warp. Bjorn and Ani backed away from the building and spread out with the others to start locating more resources which could assist them.   Stig and Murk linked again and the pair headed off in a similar direction to look for more materials now that Murk had loaded a great deal of non-descript crates into the lander. They headed for what appeared to be the command tent, assuming everything was good and they nonchalantly moved in without investigating.   The rest of the crew had gravitated over to the power station building that Rasp had entered. Similar in construction to the infirmary on the outside, the inside of the power station was a single room absolutely full of power cells and dynamos. Rasp found a console to plug himself into and he got to work on restoring power to the base. A short while later he was met with success and lights flickered back into existence and engines began to hum as power cells began to warm and dispense electricity to the old skitarii site. As the buildings began to warm up indoor Rasp decided to stay at the terminal and glean any information he could from the databanks to try and discover what had happened here along with any information that he might deem valuable.   Bjorn, Ani and Isaac headed off to link up with Stig and Murk. Before they were able to regroup though the two action minded members of the crew walked into the command tent to have a little look around first as they wanted to get whatever loot they could shove into their collective pockets as well. As they entered the command tent Stig walked obliviously by a pile of coiled wires but Murk noticed a strange shimmer. Stig was immediately greeted with riches so he lost interest and began to head out once again. It was at this point the coiled wires leapt forward and half bit / half electrocuted him. Something was wrong.   Stig's head was filled with searing pain. Normally he was quite resistant to small biting things but this one obviously had something new going for it. Stig fell to his knees and started to hold his head yelling in pain even though the location of his bite was somewhere near his ankle. Murk didn't have any immediate bright ideas of what to do until he saw a promethium tank roughly the size of a propane tank. Grabbing it he then began to bring the highly volatile promethium tank crashing down over and over again onto the pile of chords trying to smashing the small offensive light. Ani, Bjorn and Isaac arrived at the command tent and witnessed Stig on his knees as well as Murk beating at a pile of wires. Not knowing what was going on Ani, Bjorn and Isaac run towards the infirmary assuming this was a psychic attack and that the entity Isaac felt earlier was now assaulting Stig.   Back in the command tent Murk and Stig were both wildly thrashing the strange glinting object buried in the chords, Murk with the tank and Stig with his bare hands, until finally they heard a cracking sound like a tiny mirror being broken or thin ice cracking under foot. Stig's hands were bloody with shared when he pulled them free of the wires and Murk breathed a heavy sigh of joy and exasperation.   Over at the old infirmary the trio entered into the building with care. The heat had risen further since they were in here last and there was steam starting to materialize from the snow and ice melt which down the walls even with the subzero temperatures outside. Isaac reached out psychically and sensed the presence retreating below the ice. Wasting no more time the trio burst into the back room and saw a circular hole about the size of a hoola-hoop melted into the ice. The walls of the room looked scorched as though electrical power arks had burned lines into the frozen metal and the heat of the room was intense. Bjorn didn't like the idea of the entity escaping, especially one in league with the ruinous powers so he tossed a grenade into the hole and shut the door. A moment later the explosive was heard and the door gave a little jump. Isaac no longer sensed the entity but not taking any chances reached far out away from the camp to feel for other presences.   He unfortunately did. About a mile out away from the encampment there was a presence like the other about every 10 yards encircling the entire area around the camp. The began to approach in frighteningly perfect unison. Isaac got no sense of form or visage of these creatures but they felt different to his psychically sensitive mind. They were likewise reaching out into the warp and Isaac and Ani both felt something titanic shift. Something dangerous and massive was headed toward the camp. It was time to go.   At this time Rasp activated the automated defense cannons and the emperor's holy autocannons sprang to life once again from a century of torpor. The defense grid around the base registered too many contacts for the guns to do much more than harass the incoming enemy though. The group took the hint and lit off towards the lander. Along the way Murk decided he had found a worthy replacement for the nose mounted cannon on the lander in the form of the base's defensive autocannons. Ripping the large gun from it's emplacement he then hurried on to the ship once again revving it's clunky engines under the guiding hand of Stig.   Rasp came running with an armload of data-slates and lost his handle on them just as he was about to board. Time was of the essence and the tech-priest was unable to recollect them all from the ground as he longingly looked back at them as the ramp closed, considering for a moment, jumping out to not misplace potentially important lost technology. Self preservation won out in the end and he hoped the Omnisiah would understand.   The ship returned to space and not a moment too soon as they witness the Ice mega-storm Ullr had shifted and was quickly approaching the Tech encampment. Back on the ship the crew began taking stock of what they had managed to grab before the shit hit the fan. There would be enough for rasp to construct a heat ray strong enough to burrow into the ice. It would take him 3 days at least and installing the autocannon on the lander would take him another. The crew took this as an opportunity to speak with their newest guest aboard.   Bjorn got to the guest quarters and noticed the room had also be programmed to blast ancient torture sounds from Holy Terra. The data-port indicated the torture program was running audio torture track - 'what did the fox say'. Bjorn was confused as to how this was effective but as he turned off the audio track and stepped into the room he found the young looking Aeldari woman curled up on the floor with sheets covering herself and pillows boxed around her prominent ears. She seemed displeased...   Bjorn proceeded to lead a light interrogation with a health amount of clap back from the Eldar woman who identified herself as Yvraine Ullathani, or Eve for short. She is the daughter of diplomatic dignitaries and was forced to abandon ship in an escape pod when her vessel was attacked. She would very much like to return to her people. Throughout the conversation with her Bjorn made she she knew that nothing in the world was free, Murk thought she was his friend, Rasp thought she couldn't be trusted and Ani wasn't happy that there was another Eldar onboard, especially another woman who came from the same craft world as her. Bjorn said that they would stop by the location of the attack on her ship before leaving the system but if there wasn't anyone there then she was shit out of luck and could find her own way home or stay aboard and be more than just ornamental.    Towards the end of the conversation Bjorn show Eve the strange shards and she tried to play nonchalant but Ani noticed that she was obfuscating. Eventually after more direct questioning Eve made it known that the shards from the object Stig and Murk smashed should be jettisoned immediately. Not fully believing her the shards were investigated more thoroughly and it did appear as though the shards were slowly moving back together and about in a strange sort of low sentience. Bjorn gave the order to have them destroyed. Rasp offered to remove Stig's hand since he still had the shards buried in his knuckle skin. Stig refused dismemberment and instead insisted that the shard be removed carefully and then destroyed. Rasp was able to deftly fulfill the request and as far the crew now knows all traces have been jettisoned into the void or obliterated with fire.

Rewards Granted

6 xp
Random Data Slates x 8
Crates full of construction supplies x 4 - Rough value = 5.8k thrones
Auto Cannon
Stimms x 5
Prometheum Tank

Character(s) interacted with

Yvraine Ullathani
Weird Shards
Legacy of a Rogue
B 4
A 3
I 2
C 2
W 2
P 2
Wounds 21/21
Strain 13/13
Soak 8
Defence M1/R1
Murc Boilah-Krusha
B 5
A 3
I 1
C 2
W 3
P 2
Wounds 0/26
Strain 4/13
Soak 9
Defence M1/R1
Forge World
B 3
A 3
I 4
C 2
W 3
P 1
Wounds /13
Strain /13
Soak 4
Defence M1/R1
Vanirach (Ani)
B 2
A 3
I 3
C 2
W 2
P 2
Wounds 1/12
Strain 0/12
Soak 6
Defence M1/R1
Report Date
22 Sep 2020
Primary Location


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