Session IX: You want us to do what with this? - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session IX: You want us to do what with this? - Report

General Summary

The Crew had landed ashore. You were a few mere city blocks from completing your mission which had a guaranteed payday at the end of it. Chime Hobart was a weirdo to be sure but his thrones would spend as well as anyone else's and he seemed more than willing to part with them for the murderous orb that you had absconded with and stowed away within the hold of you ship, within your other ship.   Before disembarking the ship Ani tried to clear the air with Eve. The attempt at burying the hatchet was met with spectacular failure. Eve was standoffish, accusatory and spiteful in her usual way and the cognitive dissonance of Ani feeling pity for her as well as seething anger was too much. Murk and Stig invited Eve out to the bar to drink away their concerns and that trio headed off to drink their troubles, or lack there of in Murk's case, away.    Bjorn had appeared to speak peace between the two warring Eldar women and the tone he struck did not resonate well with his first mate Ani. She did not want to be cooled down or coddled or mansplained to. Eventually Ani's affection for her friends won out and she was able to pull herself from her anger to be congenial with Bjorn again and the crew not in search of being inebriated headed off to speak with Lord Hobart.    The negotiations were mostly painless but Chime insisted that the crew evacuate the ship completely so that he could safely secure the orb. The crew would need to find lodgings on the station for the evening. Port Wander's transitory population swelled for the evening as the crew of the Eternal Perdition disgorged into the floating hive city. Coin was going to be spent and the locals were their to accommodate.   Speaking of spending coin. An Ork, Eldar and a Human walk into a bar. This sounds like the beginning to a bad joke because it is and it was. Eve proceeded to get nearly blind drunk and the attractive creature couldn't help but bring on likely unwanted attention. Luckily for her she had enlisted two burly individuals who probably wouldn't know what to do with a woman if she gave them an instruction manual complete with pictures. Other folks did though and they attempted their plays. Unfortunately for them, Stig and Murk were quick to cock block and did their best "guarding bodies". The human's who had approached them to make a deal were unable to make any Eldar shaped notches on their belts as things descended into what would kindly be referred to as a bar fight and more realistically be coined a display of barbarism. Vomit was hurled up. Blood was spilled. Limbs were lost.   The two toughs realized that they couldn't afford they had racked up, partly for the synth ale and partly for the mess. They voxed their stalwart captain to bail them out. Bjorn arrived with the rest of the crew in tow and the tab was settled. The gang left the bar behind for a temporary hab that Chime had paid for. Once at the hab Ani went to her own room, and Bjorn convinced Murk to stop guarding Eve's body so he could speak with her privately.    As ever, Eve was cagey, even when drunk and dealing with the charm offensive of the Captain. In the end though, drunkenness and annoyance won out over the usual measured way that Eve approached the world. Bjorn had tried to be a peace bringer between the two Eldar ladies but Eve essentially screamed her most distorted and dissonant tones yet heard into everyone's microbead that she thought Ani was spoiled and selfish and she wanted her to die.   The crew wasn't very productive from that point. Ani decided to get some air, Bjorn left the distraught alone with her thoughts. Murk stayed confused. Stig wondered why but was thankful "his ladies" never gave him such troubles. Rasp went to be with his mechanicus brothers and Isaac went to the Navis Nobilite to be around similarly minded people to him. The night wore on, feeling strange to not be aboard "the Eternal Perdition".

Rewards Granted


Missions/Quests Completed

The Milk Run: Completed

Character(s) interacted with

Ani and Eve The Crew and Chime Hobart Murk, Stig and Eve Bjorn and Eve
Legacy of a Rogue
B 4
A 3
I 2
C 2
W 2
P 2
Wounds 21/21
Strain 13/13
Soak 8
Defence M1/R1
Murc Boilah-Krusha
B 5
A 3
I 1
C 2
W 3
P 2
Wounds 0/26
Strain 4/13
Soak 9
Defence M1/R1
Forge World
B 3
A 3
I 4
C 2
W 3
P 1
Wounds /13
Strain /13
Soak 4
Defence M1/R1
Vanirach (Ani)
B 2
A 3
I 3
C 2
W 2
P 2
Wounds 1/12
Strain 0/12
Soak 6
Defence M1/R1
Report Date
27 Oct 2020
Primary Location


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