Session VII: It's bigger than a bread box; and what is with that glow? - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session VII: It's bigger than a bread box; and what is with that glow? - Report

General Summary

The team stepped into the final room of the misbegotten xeno temple they found themselves in. Hoarfrost shattered and cracked under foot as the crew moved forward into the darkness which permeated the room in an unnatural way. The strange blue glow pulsed at the back of the room, beckoning them forward. The warp was barely contained within the confines of this room. The hair on the human's arms stood up, and the smell of ozone was permeating the air.   As the group moved into the room the psykers thought they felt something for a brief second but the feeling flitted away before they could get a handed on where it was coming from. The headlamps from the team barely moved the darkness out of the way like heavy curtains constantly being pulled down around them. The sounds of footfalls on the crumbling ice were even dampened by the oppressive darkness but the crew moved onward, willing their bodies to complete their goal.   About a quarter of the way into the massive room the trap was finally sprung. Light exploded into the crew's vision tearing out of the darkness and shredding the shadows which surrounded the team and hid the enemy. Two massive heavy stubbers had been set up on a pincher attack vector and they laid into the unsuspecting party of explorers. The big guns were being crewed by two men on each of the stubbers. The anti-infantry shells slammed into the front members of the crew.   Stig and Murk both received serious injuries. Rasp was critically injured and Bjorn went down in an instant. Isaac and Ani seemed to be blessed by their respective deities and escaped the initial carnage. An immediate retreat was called for and the crew piled back out of the room using the large entrance doorway for cover. Murk was licking his wounds and taking after his forebears by fretting about the situation they found themselves in. Curses and expletives were flowing from the frustrated and frightened Ork while Stig was very calm and collected. His time on the brutal feudal world he had originally called home had trained him to take new challenges in stride and he was still spoiling for a fight while assuring his compatriots that everything was going to work out fine.   Rasp didn't have enough emotion remaining in his body to be overly alarmed and he set to work on healing himself. He knew he would need to proceed into the kill zone again in order to retrieve and repair Bjorn who had fallen. Isaac and Ani waited patiently for a plan to coalesce. Stig, as usual, was the first to act, plan or not.   Stig convinced his green friend that charging was their best option. The team agreed and got ready. The two kind hearted brutes launched forward across the room, fully prepared to get in the faces of guns which belched forth hot lead. Murk and Stig split and charged different gun emplacements to limit their ability to be effective and draw fire away from Ani, Isaac and Rasp as they got to their own tasks.   Murk's charge got up to the gun and he took a swing at the crew, badly hurting the man on the trigger but not putting him down. Stig alternatively got to his target also but he practically chopped his opponent in half bringing down one of the gunners. The difference in results became obvious very quickly.   The guns began to fire again. The single remaining gunner face to face with Stig was unable to angle the heavy weapon effectively up close and he missed his target completely. The two remaining crew members squaring off with Murk though were able to effectively move the gun enough to hit the big Ork at center mass. The shells shredded through the greenskin at the other end of the barrel. With a pained and angered yell the big man went down.    Rasp moved over to Bjorn unfazed by one of the party's toughs going down. Bullets fell around him but left him unscathed. It was little effort for the tech-priest to bring the Captain back around to the land of the living. Springing to his feet Bjorn moved back out of the room and out of the path of fire.   As this was happening two gold mask wearing individuals made their presence known as they as they appeared from around behind the orb that had been pulsing blue when the group entered the room. The masks were intricately carved in wispy patterns to small and fine to be done by human hands and protruding from the base of their skulls were golden spines, similar to the spines the crew had encountered earlier with the Hereteks.   The hoarfrost, ozone smell and other warp associated phenomenon suddenly made sense as the two newcomers started use psyker powers to attack the crew as well. Unfortunately the first round of them attempting to thwart their attackers could only be characterized as an abysmal failure. The warp energies being wielded by one of them spun out of control and the warp reached back and smacked the man by reversing gravity. He and everyone within 20 yards of him was tossed up into the air then brought tumbling back down, hurting everyone involved a bit. The power failed to manifest as well.   Ani got closer to the gun crew Murk had tried to tie up and she lined the two men up. When she pulled the trigger the well placed shot passed through the man had hurt and buried itself in the head of the second man. Both men fell to the floor like bowling pins. Isaac used his power to reach out and shut off some of the powers of the second psyker in a mask. It was clear that the man was frustrated by this. He attempted to use some other power but he must not have been as skilled because nothing seemed to happen.   Bjorn took a shot with his sniper rifle at a psyker. The massive shell ground to a halt only a couple meters from it's target as the bullet seemed to slow down to a crawl as blue ripples of power acted as a buffer between the target and the shot. The gun was powerful though and the force field seemed to give out at the last second before the bullet lost all momentum and it resumed it's original speed instantly and buried itself into the psyker who went reeling from the force of the impact.   Stig decided to dispatch the final gunner on a heavy stubber before the lone man could bring the gun to bear again. It was a quick joyless movement done a hundred times before with little effort and the last gunner fell as well. The floor of the room had been lighting up more an more as the fight had continued. The black, ice covered floor was now a brighter blue and casting light everywhere in the room. The orb at the back of the room could be clearly seen now. It looked like a free floating globe make out of tarnished gold with the same intricate swirling patterns across the surface.   The enemy psyker's kept attempting to sway the battle in their direction but when their powers failed to yield significant results again despite the extreme effort they put into their attempts it was clear that things were going down hill quickly for the xeno worshipping scum.    Rasp, while disgusted, understood that the Ork was an essential part of the success of the battle and he applied his considerable knowledge to raising the overgrown fungus back to his feet, stitching wounds and plugging holes. With Murk back on his feet the team was firing on all cylinders again and it was time to bring the pain.   Murk walked over to the heavy stubber and heaved loosing the canon from it's mount. He leveled it at the pair and began disgorging the bullet hose upon them. "Dakka, dakka, dakka, dakka!" could be heard as he yelled over the actual sound of the big gun. Bjorn continued to fire his longarm from down field. Ani kept plugging away at the psykers through the force field and Isaac continued to stymie the powers of the gold masked men.   The barrier couldn't take the sustained assault from the combined efforts of the party and one of the enemy psykers went down. Ani suggested to the crew that they take the second psyker hostage to learn more about them. Murk was put to his greatest test to date as his finger hovered over the trigger, ready to ventilate the last of the enemies in his field of vision. Eventually his desire to destroy took a back seat to the overall mission and his respect for the Eldar and he lowered the weapon once Ani used her psychic powers to control the last opponent.    With the battle ended it was time for answers. The heretic revealed that they knew the team was coming because the orb who he was referring to as "the master" had told them so. They were trying to protect the orb but in the end the man and the orb had a conversation and the orb seemed to willingly move itself to the lander. The orb floated a few inches to a foot above the ground. It didn't rotate or spin and moved with no hint of drifting only moving in the precise direction it meant to.   The crew gathered up all of the bits and bobs that they had left behind previously including the head and body of the golem. When they hauled them back to the lander they noticed that the orb had already boarded and was waiting with silent patience. Stig headed to the controls and kicked the engines of the space jalopy into action yet again. Bjorn contacted the Eternal Perdition in orbit and got a situation report on the ice storm Ullr. It had unexpectedly not moved at all. If anything everything seemed to be in as optimal shape as possible for the return trip to the ship.    Murk eyed the orb suspiciously and decided that the best course of action to determine if it was laying in wait to spring a trap was to headbutt the sphere and see if it reacted in any way. The big Ork reeled back on his heels and put his body weight into the attack. A loud clang was heard throughout the inside of the tiny lander.   Stranger than his decision though was the result. Murk's head got stuck. The unkown pseudo metal ball started to pull the Ork into itself. Murk shouted in alarm and the rest of the crew grabbed ahold of him, even Rasp did half heartedly. They tugged and pulled until eventually they were able to separate the two. The orb remained motionless and arcane as before and Murk rubbed his sore head. Taking stock of themselves as they sped away from the misbegotten planet of Corpse-fortune the crew realized that they had been brushed by the warp and that extra care would need to be taken if they continued to expose themselves to this entity or others like it.

Rewards Granted

7xp The Orb

Missions/Quests Completed

The Milk Run - Part 1 Complete
Proceeding to The Milk Run - Part 2

Character(s) interacted with

Yu'Vath Orb
Yu'Vath Acolyte

Created Content


Related Reports

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Session V
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Legacy of a Rogue
B 4
A 3
I 2
C 2
W 2
P 2
Wounds 21/21
Strain 13/13
Soak 8
Defence M1/R1
Murc Boilah-Krusha
B 5
A 3
I 1
C 2
W 3
P 2
Wounds 0/26
Strain 4/13
Soak 9
Defence M1/R1
Forge World
B 3
A 3
I 4
C 2
W 3
P 1
Wounds /13
Strain /13
Soak 4
Defence M1/R1
Vanirach (Ani)
B 2
A 3
I 3
C 2
W 2
P 2
Wounds 1/12
Strain 0/12
Soak 6
Defence M1/R1
Report Date
16 Oct 2020
Primary Location


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