Session VIII: Transporting xeno artifacts for fun and profit - Report

General Summary

The Crew landed safely on the hanger deck of "The Eternal Perdition" as the crew waved them in. A general sense of joviality was present with Murk although he was almost consumed by the strange orb during the short flight and Stig for no other reason than being Stig. The other crew were less tickled. While they were all thankful to be alive it was clear that this orb would need to be kept far away from anything and anyone. The others thought about moving this to a cargo bay but the thought of rolling this giant ball down the hall and not getting into trouble wasn't appealing or likely, not to mention the attention it would draw from the crew.   Speaking of the crew aboard the ship. Most of them had spent time around Eve in some way while the others were gone xeno diving. She had earned the begrudging respect of the hateful racist crew members by making herself indisposable, learning about the ship's system and functions and performing maintenance and drill with the crew when able to. The other crew that didn't come to appreciate her abilities had seemed to come to appreciate her figure. You did notice that a number of off-duty crewmen hung around nearby and joked with her when able to and stole hungry glances when she supposedly wasn't paying attention. Rasp later discovered from his paranoid suspicion that she very likely did in fact notice and made suggestive moves to accentuate certain actions in order to garner more favor. The crewwomen of the ship seemed to either be equally interested as the men or viewed her in a more friendly terms as Eve taught them Aeldari beauty techniques and gossiped with the best of them. Ani was less than please that the 'hot girl limit' had been surpassed and the two of them had a heated exchange immediately following her return to the ship.   It was eventually decided after more warnings from Eve about the danger of this orb that it should be left on the lander and the lander sealed and kept far away from the rank and file members aboard. Eve was called out for hiding things after she continued to cajole that keeping the orb would be idiotic. After being called to task for only speaking in riddles and hidden meaning she was forced to reveal that the orb was of a race known as the Yu'vath a terrifying race that existed in this sector or space as well as others long before the mon'keigh from terra arrived. The imperial records state that is race has been wiped out completely and entirely, though the existence of the orb, which Eve said to be in truth a fully formed Yu'vath, proved that something was at best inaccurate about that report and at worst a total fabrication.   The Yu'vath were an ancient race that harnessed controlling the warp long before they learned to travel through space and their entire culture was powered by warp technology. Because of this and their strange sentience, Eve warned that the orb would seek to escape the lander and wreak havoc on the ship. Her portents of doom largely fell on deaf ears from the gang. After her heated exchange with Ani, Eve requested that her mother's ship be found as quickly as possible. This request was seconded by a number of the crew but Rasp was all too ready to be rid of the buxom Eldar with the titillating's voice.   Bjorn ordered the crew to move the ship to the far side of the system to check the location that Eve fed them the coordinates too. The crew were eager to do so as Stig had gotten up into the bridge and started ordering the helm around. They didn't have the gumption to tell the big man no but at the same time were thankful to have orders that weren't coming from him. The engines fired and the ship moved to it's new location. Upon entering the area, long range scans discovered a non-imperial ship signature nearby. Carefully closing the distance using a moon and an asteroid belt the ship returned images that confirmed it was a derelict Eldar ship clearly damaged beyond repair and full of holes with no life signatures aboard. Eve demanded to go aboard and look for herself.   After Bjorn put his foot in it by piloting 'the Eternal Perdition' into some large objects and frying the shields twice and doing a little light damage to the hull. Eventually clearing the asteroid field the ship moved over the Eldar craft and captured it. Eve and everyone else boarded the craft and were greeted with chopped up bodies of Orks and Eldar. The Eternal Perdition's crew began long range scanning for other ships at this revelation a discovered a large ship with a xeno signature patrolling in the shadow of the gas giant in the system.   The search party aboard the Eldar vessel kicked it into high gear and collected everything of value that wasn't nailed down and made sure the soulstones of fallen Eldar were handed over to Eve. Eventually Eve made it to the captains quarters where her mother's body was found. The others accompanied her and witnessed actual emotion from the seemingly young Eldar. Seeing the eviscerated form of her mother Eve dropped to her knees and let out a pained moan of chorally diminished sadness. She wept over the body of her mother until the point when they needed to go immediately. Word came over the vox to Bjorn that the Ork Battleship was coming into view around the gas giant of Raine and if they didn't get out of it's eye line then they would be in more trouble than they could handle.   The crew B-lined their way back aboard the Perdition and went through the decontamination protocols they had set up to avoid getting Ork spores all over their vessel. With a little nimble piloting from Bjorn they ducked behind the shadow of a moon and kept it between them and the imposing Ork Battleship. They quickly retreated to the Mandeville Point and transitioned to the warp using Isaac's superior navigating skills to safely find their way back in a reverse path than they took.   Transitioning out of the immaterium took 5 days longer than originally expected but the trip was emperor blessedly free of interruption from unforeseen circumstances. When they reached the corridor through the warp storm just outside of the star base known as the hermitage they witnessed three Ork raiders that were likely picket ships for an incoming Ork Waaagh! Seeing an opportunity to do some good but also wanting to stay out of getting into more trouble than was profitable Bjorn simply asked Murk if he would like to fire the big guns at an enemy. Murk responded simply with exclamations of "dakka, dakka, dakka!". The Perdition closed to lance range and eviscerated one of the attacking raiders, the Ork likely never saw it coming before they were breathing vacuum. With that The Eternal Perdition realigned towards port wander on the far side of the maw and engaged it's engines. The Hermitage was begrudgingly thankful but also very annoyed when the Rogue Trader vessel turned away mid-engagement. They tried to convince Bjorn to stay but a payday was calling and he wouldn't be separated from his fame and fortune.   With that they slipped back into a warp stream and sailed in an equally issue free passage to Port Wander. Isaac was quick to debark and sell the information he had gathered on the system while Bjorn and the rest of the crew dealt with the port master and this is where we will pick back up.   +5 xp
Legacy of a Rogue
B 4
A 3
I 2
C 2
W 2
P 2
Wounds 21/21
Strain 13/13
Soak 8
Defence M1/R1
Murc Boilah-Krusha
B 5
A 3
I 1
C 2
W 3
P 2
Wounds 0/26
Strain 4/13
Soak 9
Defence M1/R1
Forge World
B 3
A 3
I 4
C 2
W 3
P 1
Wounds /13
Strain /13
Soak 4
Defence M1/R1
Vanirach (Ani)
B 2
A 3
I 3
C 2
W 2
P 2
Wounds 1/12
Strain 0/12
Soak 6
Defence M1/R1
Report Date
26 Oct 2020


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