Session X: The newest member of the crew - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session X: The newest member of the crew - Report

General Summary

The Crew arose from their sleeping quarters around Port Wander. They were ready to return to the ship. None had thought to express a great deal of fondness for living on a station or any less transient ground than a warp capable ship. After meeting up with each other they got on with their respective tasks. The bulk of the crew and Eve, who was still very hung over from the previous night's frivolity, made their way to the docks at Isaac's suggestion so that they could speak with the dock master and check up on the ship while Ani and Rasp would make their way over the Mechanicus auxiliary to interview citizens to join as engineering crew members.   Following the majority they arrived at the docks and asked to speak to the dockmaster. A somewhat short, leather faced and rough sounding man made himself known as Dockmaster Braccio Kern. He was straight to the point and all about regulations until his palms had received enough grease. After he gave what information he could, he left the crew to their own devices investigating the footage from the docks cctv network to spy on their own ship essentially. The crew had become concerned about the events in and around the ship while they had slept as the pict recorders that Rasp had put onboard the ship all seemed to go out at the same time as the orb was making its way to the docking bay doors under it's on power.   A cursory look through the dock's footage revealed what they assumed was good news. A large cadre of men under the orders of Lord Hobart moved onto the Eternal Perdition and then during the evening moved off again taking with them large crates on grav platforms. The Orb appeared to be someone else's problem and payment was due.   The crew took stock of what they had and decided they were finished with port wander and patiently await the Eternal Perdition to be returned to them. Over on the other side of Port Wander Rasp and Ani sat down at their make-shift interview table and got to work. What ensued was a comedy of errors where one would hire a person solely based on their disposition and the other would hire someone else that would bother the first person. In the end two small engineering teams were created, one that would be sympathetic to working with an Aeldari First Mate and one that would cleave to Mechanicus dogma strictly.   Eventually the interviews ended and Rasp offered a temporary truce to Ani to form a secret plan to getting Eve off of the ship. Ani heavily considered it, only two things stopped her. The fact that Bjorn would not approve was what eventually dissuaded her but also being party to the death of a member of her already embattled race was not a good look for her and it was clear that the plans that the sickly Techpriest had in mind all involved murder of some kind.   Eventually everyone met back up on the docks as the bay doors opened aboard the Eternal Perdition. At the top of the ramp waited Chime Hobart, though, something seemed off about him. He was nonchalant, laid back, his wardrobe was not entirely put together and he spoke casually rather than his usual militaristic straight to the point and slightly arrogant way.   The Bjorn inquired and everyone had to listen to the unfolding horror which lay in front of them. Chime was "volunteering" himself to the ships crew as the 'Master of Coin'. This meant he would oversee payroll. It wasn't an altogether terrible idea since he was funding the ship for the next 9 months at least. The true issue is with what he said next.   "The Orb has decided to stay on board and I will interpret for it." There was so much to unpack in that very to the point statement. The Orb was still on board and when Lord Hobart explained that is chose to stay he mentioned the number of bulkheads that had to be removed in order to make way for the Orb's passage into the ship where it had been connected to the mainframe of the machine spirit. This of course set Rasp to wailing fits as he spider clawed his way down the hauls surveying the damage they had done to the divine forms of the machines of the Omnissiah.   Eve was in no finer spirits, complaining that now she needed to decide to stay on a ship controlled by an evil entity or stay in port wander and get groped to death. She stumbled away to her room in foul spirits but clearly making a choice of probable death rather than being degraded in Port Wander. Chime was jovial as he showed everyone remaining the room where the Orb would reside. Now lovingly referred to as the Obiary by Stig, he embraced the idea of the big ball being a member of the crew and congenially named it 'Simon' after a children's toy back on his home planet that would light up different colors as a memory exercise.   Bjorn noticed that Chime would often go gaunt while staring at the orb and Ani read his thoughts while he went into one of these fugue states. She witness stars spinning by planets coming into view and then being left behind abruptly and was overcome with a sense of this orb searching for something. Bjorn forced Isaac who wanted very little to do with the orb or Chime to try and communicate with it. Isaac could feel the connectivity between Chime and the orb but could divine no ill intentions at this time. He was interested that that orb was search all around the galaxy and relished the idea of being able to do the same. When he returned to his navigator's tower he was struck with a vision of a deepening shadow being overcast upon three systems at the far edge of the sector. He pointed them out to Bjorn who wasn't keen to travel that far out until Ani mentioned one of the endangered world was an Aeldari Maiden and that leaving those people to their fate seemed unfathomably cruel. She knew of a nearby webway gate in the Foulstone sector that could potentially ease their travels on the way there of Bjorn was willing to take the ship that way. Bjorn wasn't thrilled with the idea but the point would be mute until they were able to determine the size and force of the incoming Ork fleet that would likely be attacking the Hermitage station any day now. Isaac plotted a course with some difficulty. Perhaps the shadow he had witnessed had put him off his game. None the less eventually the Crew left Port Wander behind and slipped back into the warp. The passage was more narrow than Isaac remembered and the travel there seems like it will be longer than the previous voyage...

Rewards Granted

43 Total earned to date
Ani: +1 (Report from previous session)
Murk: +1 (Report from previous session)
Bjorn: +1 (Report from previous session)
Isaac: +1 (Hidden plot thread found during session)

Missions/Quests Completed

Grasping hands from every corner of the void: Part 1, Objective 1: Complete Part 1, Objective 2: In Progress Part 1, Objective 3: Discovered

Character(s) interacted with

Dockmaster Braccio Kern
Techpriest, Transmechanic Auxilliarus Artemis 5.8
Chime Hobart
The Orb - Now know by the moniker Simon

Created Content

Dockmaster Braccio Kern
Techpriest, Transmechanic Auxilliarus Artemis 5.8
The Orb - Now know by the moniker Simon

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Report Date
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Primary Location


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