Session XI: Simon and his weird little sleepovers - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session XI: Simon and his weird little sleepovers - Report

General Summary

The 'Eternal Perdition' did not have easy passage this time to the Hermitage unlike the time previous where the star system flew by without incident. Isaac tried desperately to right the ship but the warp held fast to the hull; clung to it like a hand covered in glue. The days aboard the Eternal Perdition passed slowly, too slowly and the effect on the crew was noticeable. Some did not make it, a cadre of engineers was sucked through a pinhole in the hull and exposure to pure immaterium batted about the inside of the ship making all who encountered it slip their sanity for at least a short while. The Perdition needed repairs at a legitimate dockyard. The crew lived in the hope that the Hermitage was still there to greet them on the other end of their month long trip.   Five systems went pear shaped while finishing the last leg of the trip, Rasp, did what he could to fix the problem without allowing too many of the crew to die though his willingness to throw xeno sympathizers at a problem before his own hand selected crew did make his priorities clear. The Omnisiah may abhor waste, be it mechanical or effectual but Rasp was clearly balancing the exponents of usefulness versus potentially problematic in the future against his mechanicus brethren. The systems were eventually repaired at only minor loss of life. Eventually the mad ride through the realms of madness did end however and the Hermitage with its haphazard construction and debris field were indeed waiting on the other side. Everyone was grateful to put down at the Hermitage after some heated discussion between those on the station and the Perdition, Bjorn was able to bribe them into allowing the ship to dock.   A comedy of errors in two acts begins to play out as Bjorn goes off to speak to the dock master who explains his crews are working at a premium at the moment and he was doing what he could to milk the Eternal Perdition's coffers dry. Bjorn eventually lost his temper with the opportunistic man and stormed back to his ship to rant his frustration to Ani, who he's gotten attached to but his crew has not yet picked up on, or at least Rasp who would likely do something ill-fated in reaction.   The second act had Stig, Murk and Rasp take the stage. Rasp was equally unable to persuade the dockmaster and likewise found himself leaving in frustration, sure that he didn't need the dockmaster to do what he knew he could accomplish himself. Murk and Stig remained behind and tried to talk to the man showing no signs of malice, likely because they didn't fully grasp that he was extorting them and this was something new and interesting, not unlike a canine with a ball. In the end perseverance won out and Stig and Murk brokered a deal between the dockmaster and the newly minted master of coin aboard your ship.   There was talk of Bjorn and crew shipping out before the Orks hit system but in the end they decided to stay and help with the battle effort. Chime was more like his old self again, straight laced and frigid in conversation and his shifting personalities were starting to become more noticeable about when and where the transition between them happens. Bjorn decided to speak to the orb, Simon, again however and Chime was once again enthralled in order to facilitate the conversation. Simon said very plainly or at least as plainly as it had ever spoken before that it needed the vessel and would protect it if it came to the point where the strange creature would need to step in. It never got to that point. Is that good? What would 'help' from a creature like that look like?   Eventually it was time for the battle and after a brief discussion of possible plans amongst the other captains it was decided that the rogue trader ships were hidden amongst the debris hoping to look like space trash. Isaac divined that the battle would more likely swing in their favor if they could rip get shots at the rear armor of the attacking looted Ork vessels. As they drifted listlessly through the debris field another ship drifted into the Perdition as they both played at being garbage, they bounced off each other with little to no real damage beyond the cosmetic.   As the battle broke and the rogue trader vessels sped out from their hidden deployment their initially volley took a great many Ork ships by surprise, ripping through their lightly armored afts. The shields were inconsistently functional throughout the battle. Rasp try as he might to keep the multiple shield arrays over charged couldn't always keep up with the ordinance hammering the holy machine. Ani tried to rally the crew by using her feminine wiles. A rumor begins among the crew that Eve and Ani are the same person with a split personality because Eve seems to so effortlessly exude pure sexual energy and every time Ani tries to bat an eyelash she winds up embarrassing herself. The two do look alike, even to Eldar they bear a resemblance but to the great unwashed aboard the ship they might as well be identical twins with different colored hair. Currently the bets are about which personality wears a wig. Rasp gets endless enjoyment from propagating all manner of slanderous or annoying theories about the fairer race aboard the Omnissiah's ship.   Ani checked on the orb, Simon, as she returned to the bridge. It seemed very calm. Intensely so as it pulsed blue in a slow rhythmic way. Almost like it was asleep in the middle of this pitched battle. It clearly wasn't concerned.   The battle barge was thankfully having just as many targeting glitches as Murk was as it fired it's bombardment cannon at the Perdition, a comet sized munition that would have potentially crippled the frigate if not destroyed it completely. With it's narrow miss everyone breathed out collectively in relief. Murk was shouting angrily for the lance to get more juice, but Rasp did not want to listen to the xeno gunnery captain. He continued to focus on the protection of his ship. Murk was able to take down a shield of the big battleship that had been threatening you the entire battle. Issac’s divination gave the crew a clear advantage and Ani tried to seize upon it. The lance finally came back online of it's own accord, Murk shots again, this time a great deal of green creatures are sucked into the void as the lance shot grazes the edge of the orc ship. Bjorn was unsure of what to do at that moment so Ani stepped in and ordered the crew to ram the back of the battle barge. The bridge crew looked to Bjorn but never were ordered to stand pat so on they flew, ramming speed. Unfortunately the attempt fails.   As the other traders finished off the smaller ships and turn the battle completely in favor of the Perdition, the Ork Warboss’ Ironboilah makes himself known again. A pict recording is voxed over to the bridge. The massive Ork is missing a hand now since the crew managed to cut it off on his last attack and his face is scarred and one tusk broken, probably from when he was sucked out into the warp his threatening voice comes deep and foreboding the vox to let you know that he'd be back and he knows it was you that took his hand. The battle ended.

Rewards Granted

+2 xp 45 Total Earned to Date Ani +2 (Previous Reports) Bjorn +2 (Previous Reports) Isaac +2 (Previous Report & Hidden Plot found) Murk +2 (Previous Reports) Stig +1 (Previous Report)

Missions/Quests Completed

Grasping hands from every corner of the void Part 1: Objective 1: Complete Objective 2: Yet to begin Objective 3: In process

Character(s) interacted with

Dockmaster Greg Lord-Captain Claudia Rosarius

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Primary Location


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