Session XII: The Warpstorm less traveled - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session XII: The Warpstorm less traveled - Report

General Summary

The session opened with the "Eternal Perdition" in high orbit above "The Hermitage", a space station made up of parts of other stations and voidships as well. It was a cluster of strange before the Ork attack but in it's wake the station looked somehow even more disheveled than it had. The bombardment it had sustained was bad but still salvageable. The Emperor's light would not be snuffed out here at least for the time being. Bjorn chose not to dock the vessel again, mostly because of his seething anger towards the dockmaster who had given him a migraine. It was almost assured a great many about the station died, 'hopefully the dockmaster was one of them' he thought to himself.   It was time to go and before the Orks had attacked the crew had discussed reaching a maiden world to potentially help some Eldar there that had run into some secret trouble, barely whiffed at by Isaac. Bjorn was debating setting a course across the sector or if they should look for a nearby webway gate and try and gain access when his ears perked up to a distant but growing cacophony of crew members booting down the hall towards him.   The bridge was suddenly inundated with travel requests and supposed 'necessities' made by various officers. Murk said he could think Ironboilah's thoughts and a bunch of dum dums too. He knew where they had escaped too. The latently psychic Ork had unknowingly made a choice to not join the Waaagh! when he decided to not pursue after the big battleship directly. He thought Bjorn was the bestest or at least the "Eternal Perdition" was.   Rasp tried to push to the front of the line to be heard next but Ani pulled rank and made the Tech-priest step back and fume (quite literally) while she spoke to Bjorn. Eve tried to same manuever but Rasp was not about to let some filthy xeno woman walk all over him if he could help it so a shouting match ensued. Not one by Eve and Ani for once. While that was taking place, Stig told Bjorn of another location that he felt was in trouble. He now apparently believed he was a psyker because he couldn't explain where he got this information from or how he knew it. In fairness, stranger things had been true aboard the ship before.   Isaac also spoke to Bjorn about a planet called Illisk and how there was hidden technology on the planet that could help them with the endeavors through the warp by subduing or summoning warp storms. Bjorn was definitely intrigued by that. All of this was pointless though according to Rasp because the ship would undoubtedly breakdown and break apart if he wasn't able to retrieve something from the system of Magoros to repair microfractures in the ships frame and hull. Bjorn was rightfully alarmed at this prospect. When he inquired further Rasp was cagey with his responses, something that Bjorn seemed to pick up on. Why obfuscate information about microfractures? Rasp was eventually ignored largely as the crew sought to find the most efficient and beneficial route to complete all of their new objectives. Unfortunately not everything would get better before getting worse however, as there was no way for them to cover that much space quickly.   Eventually Bjorn told Isaac to lay in a course for Illisk, the furthest of all possible objectives. From Illisk he planned to work his way back towards imperial space. The trip would be long. Exceedingly so and the sheer amount of time in the warp was worrisome to say the least but Bjorn decided the risk was worth the potential reward. The trip through the warp was once again not without it's issues. The crew were demoralized and inundated with warp phenomena but the "Eternal Perdition" forged onward. During this lengthy transition Ani and Bjorn also received visions or messages or portents of things to come as well but they have yet to share it openly.   Three quarters of the way to Illisk the "Eternal Perdition" suddenly had to steer clear of some warp shoals. Isaac expertly avoided potential destruction but had to fall out of the warp stream to do it. Taking stock of where they were the team determined to reroute and head to nearby Solace Encarmine, the planet that Eve was eventually about to tell Bjorn about saying that great destruction to both Humans and Eldar waited there if not attended to quickly. Ani sensed more bullshit from her Aeldari shipmate and confronted her privately about the matter. The two reached some sort of agreement but the details aren't for public consumption. The two didn't seem happy with one another but were set to attain their goals together. That is either a step in the right direction or the complete opposite. Time will tell.   Eventually they reached Solace Encarmine and were allowed to dock at Port Luxurious. Solace Encarmine is the only planet designated as a pleasure world in the expanse. These planets are not any safer than others in the imperium, they are however better at disguising the danger.

Rewards Granted

49 total xp
Ani +3xp (previous logs)
Bjorn +3xp (previous logs)
Isaac +3xp (previous logs and hidden plot found)
Murk +3xp (previous logs)
Stig +2xp (previous logs)

Missions/Quests Completed

Grasping hands from every corner of the void Part 1 complete - Part 2 begun
Ani - Getting past the visions of the future
Bjorn - Darktide (begun)
Isaac - The god-machine (begun)
Murk - A tail of two Waaagh! (begun, optional object 1 failed)
Rasp - Children of the Machine (begun)
Stig - The Jungles of Ash (begun... maybe...)

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Report Date
25 Nov 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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