Session XIII: The Hunt - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session XIII: The Hunt - Report

General Summary

The crew landed safely at Port Luxurious on Solace Encarmine. The planet was beautiful and inhabited by pleasant smelling plants and appealing looking creatures. The atmosphere was tropical and warm with the right amount of humidity in the air to make skin glisten without it being too oppressive. Gentle zephyrs stirred the wind moving from the southwest. The people on this planet were mostly tourists from their general look and demeanor and even the imperial guard regiments stationed here seemed to be more relaxed and not as alert you would expect proud member's of the emperor's hammer to be. The local residents lived in impoverished homes on average but the atmosphere was so pleasant that no one seemed disgruntled. Joblessness was a choice and one that didn't carry a great many consequences as flora that produced food was plentiful as well as the climate being gentle enough to allow people to sleep out on the beeches almost worry free year round and many did.   Wasting no time however, Murk was quick to head off down the street pointing out a shady looking individual like a bloodhound. The man introduced himself as Slippery Vic and it was unclear what about him was slippery beyond the sale of illegal contraband that most officials seemed the look the other way about. The team was led to a building with no windows and only one entrance. A metal door with no handle and a dead bolt. The company didn't seem to mind stepping into the dark of the building without question but this time their cavalier way of moving through the world didn't come back to bite them.   Once inside and the exterior door was again closed and they were in darkness Vic hit a switch and the room sprang to light. A giant neon sign saying Slippery Vic's illegal discount emporium buzzed and sputtered it's retro light across the room and the team got down to shopping. During this time Rasp and Bjorn questioned the man about how to proceed to their chosen destination. Vic was forthcoming and helpful though he put on airs as though he was being rough around the edges and being standoffish, possibly to keep up appearances to maintain his cred but overall he told the crew what they needed to know and where to go next.   Taking the lead from Vic after they were done shopping the crew headed to the marina where they spotted a number of vessels that could charter passage to the island in Eve's vision. Bjorn surveyed the options and decided to go with none of the above as Vic had warned them of large and sometimes hostile sea creatures known as Carbuncles that inhabited the deep water around the island that Eve was leading them to.   A large whaling ship was in port and Bjorn hailed the captain from along side. Captain Ramos was an easy going man that had spent the vast majority of his life here on Solace Encarmine. When he first heard of the group's desire to visit the island he flatly refused. He didn't want to subject his crew to the potential predations of the Carbuncle and he warned the company to not pursue it either but Bjorn could not be swayed and hazard pay was offered to take the party to the island. Ramos warned Bjorn and the others that if they did encounter the Carbuncle that they should not engage it with piecing weapons of any kind as the blood of the beast was apparently quite acidic. Everyone took the warning to heart and a price was agreed upon.   The crew was underway and off across the great ocean of Solace Encarmine. The first five days were pleasant and more like a cruise voyage than anything else. The seadog crew aboard Ramos' vessel were enchanted to have not one but two attractive Eldar aboard their ship and the crew made haphazard passes at both of them through out the trip which both women flatly rebuffed. Ani was surprised that they were  so hard up considering this was a pleasure planet but what she didn't realize is that everything has a price and on a tourist trap planet like this one the makeup is high. A entry level crewman might spend upwards of half a Holy Terran year's pay to enjoy an Aeldari concubine's company for however short a period it would take them to finish and being that Eldar were accomplished in whatever their chosen or forced paths were it was likely the crewman would be done before it started. Not an appealing proposition for most.   Five days passed in this meandering and relaxed sort of way and then the clouds rolled in as the ship made its way into the deepest waters. The crew set themselves to helping secure rigging and do what they could to ensure the crew were accomplishing their tasks aboard. Waves began to swell and grow as the time went on, the "Eternal Perdition" crew working in shifts continuously throughout these days with Ramos' crew, until finally about a day and a half later as the storm continued to pick up strength the ship came to a lurching halt. Rasp was thrown overboard immediately and all the others were dropped to the ground.   The sound of Rasp hitting the water with an intense splash gave everyone pause. A couple of crew members stopped and thought about continuing on without the tech-priest but Bjorn barked orders to recover the techno savant and get the ship moving again. Unfortunately the cause for the sudden stop made itself know immediately at that point.   Tentacles burst from the water whipping against the ship and some of Bjorn's crew. Action was taken immediately by everyone aboard Ramos' ship to secure the wounded, stop the beast and fish out the tech-priest from his dangerous underwater dance with the watery foe. Murk managed to give the Carbuncle a nasty cable burn which caused the beast to reel back and Ani was able to remove the tentacles that had captured the ship's rotors without cutting them open. Eventually everyone was able to show the beast that the ship wasn't an easy target and the creature backed off. Rasp hoisted himself from the water and clung to the side of the side like a half drowned bug.   A crewmember in the observation deck shouted that they had spotted land and Ramos' ship lurched onward for about half a day. The rain and storm halted as they reached the bay. with the weather looking good again Ramos sent the part ashore in a rubber dinghy. Rasp and Isaac chose to stay aboard with Ramos to lend support and repair any damage to the ship the carbuncle had done.   Eve went ashore with the others and pointed them in the direction of a series of cave systems that she believed was the source of her visions calling to her. As the now split team moved onward towards the cave they walked through a field of wild flowers, Stig noticed a weird incandescence in the air nebulously hanging over the field in pinkish sparkling tones. Murk noticed Bjorn and Ani were feeling some strange effects, similar to being on drugs. The Ork sealed the Eldar's void suit around her quickly and but Bjorn was out of luck having no hermetically sealed suit with him. As murk carried the two drugged people out of the field Ani snapped back into her senses but Bjorn was beyond stoned. Most of the rest of the walk to the caves the captain made gibbering noises or giggles about some joke only he was in on. Murk, Stig and Eve seemed to not be effected by the flowers and were able to press on without incident.   Upon reaching the caves and recovering his senses Bjorn used his new auspex scanner on his armor to seek out life signs and he spotted the cave entrance they needed. Once inside the gang noticed that weird greenish tinted roots were growing through the rocks and pulsing with green almost bioluminescent color. Bjorn knew it to be different though and proceeded with caution. The rest of the present crew members followed close behind. Eventually they came upon some chanting and while Bjorn was trying to figure out what to do Stig strolled forward into the room ready to greet his new friends but they turned out to be Slaanesh worshippers who revealed themselves in every way after a brief but awkward staring session.   The the Slaanesh devotees were cut down quickly before they had a chance to do anything. Bjorn then wheeled around and barked orders to the two Aeldari in his company to stay here. He was sure about something and he didn't want the ladies to follow him for some reason. He was adamant to the point of being rude. He then took off deeper into the tunnels with Stig and Murk close at hand. Eve was very much put off that a Mon'Keigh had ordered her to do anything and Ani wasn't about to let Bjorn do something stupid when she could intervene so the two women took off in the other direction determined to be involved.

Rewards Granted

52 total xp

  Ani +4xp (previous logs)
Bjorn +4xp (previous logs)
Isaac +3xp (previous logs and hidden plot found)
Murk +4xp (previous logs)
Stig +3xp (previous logs)

Missions/Quests Completed

Grasping hands from every corner of the Void - Part 1 Complete - Part 2 begun

  Ani - Getting past the visions of the future (begun - In process)
Bjorn - Darktide (begun - In process)
Isaac - The god-machine (begun - En route)
Murk - A tail of two Waaagh! (begun, optional object 1 failed)
Rasp - Children of the Machine (begun - detoured)
Stig - The Jungles of Ash (begun - detoured - Objective 1 critical)

Character(s) interacted with

Slippery Vic
Captain Ramos
Solace Encarmine Carbuncle
Slaanesh Cultists
Rogue Imperial Guard
Slaanesh Traitor Marine

Created Content

Solace Encarmine Carbuncle
Slippery Vic
Captain Ramos

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Report Date
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Primary Location


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