Session XV: Do god machines dream of electric sheep? - Report

General Summary

The crew was safely back aboard the "Eternal Perdition". Now for some R&R as they sailed to Illisk without incident...   Just kidding; no sooner than the command officers had returned aboard did they start getting inundated with the issues aboard the ship. The bridge crew called for the captain and for some reason Stig felt that included him and the two men essentially raced down the corridors like dueling mall walkers.   Upon reaching the bridge Stig was disappointed to see that there was nothing to shoot and no heads to knock together so he quickly lost interest. In the captain's chair a strange robotic doll very similar to a marionette, had been placed in his chair. When questioned about it's appearance the bridge crew said that it had shown up between shifts and they didn't know how it had come to be there.   Thinking this was some sort of weird joke the captain reviewed the vid-logs till the time when the object appeared and it seemed like it had moved to the chair under it's own automation. Bjorn had had enough and moved to the Orbiary to talk to Simon the orb. Rasp and Ani vehemently agreed with each other as the captain moved towards speaking with a confirmed tech heresy and Murk, palming the doll stayed close behind. Isaac in his wisdom was a reluctant follower of what was likely going to end up badly.   The scene that unfolded when the whole of the command officers minus Eve and Chime appeared in the Orbiary was one of error and madness. Upon shaking the doll at Simon in an accusing manner, Murk was then mentally body switched with the doll in his hand, Simon took over Murks body and the orb began to glow red instead of it's usual color.   Stig tried to run interference with Ani, not understanding what was going on while Rasp decided that this insanity had gone on lone enough and it was in fact Chime's fault. The unruly tech-priest marched down to the master of coin's office with murder on his mind. Bjorn bounced along beside him arguing ineffectually that violence was not the answer the Adept of Mars should be seeking.   Bjorn's control of the crew was shown to be weak to non-existent when Enginseer Rasp walked into Chime's office and started slicing at him with only a word of insult as the first blow was struck. Chime was wounded and confused but he took a pot shot in return at Rasp if nothing else than to drive off his sudden attacker. Bjorn put himself between the two now wounded men and demanded they all return to the Orbiary to try and sort this strangeness out.   Back in the Orbiary, Murk's body (unknowingly being controlled by Simon) was not behaving normally or acquiescing to Stig or Ani's requests / commands. Stig could feel something was off but it wasn't until the confused mind of Murk got a grip on his situation from within the doll and discovered he could use the mini Vox as a sound projector, screaming "Waaagh!" in a much higher than usual pitch like hearing the blood curdling war cry filtered through the lens of a children's toy.   The Ork turned doll grabbed a grenade off his own former body and held it in front of himself in a threatening and unhinged gesture of mutually assured destruction should this go on much longer. Stig tackled the now Ork shaped thing and things were looking a little crazy.   Only after Rasp, Bjorn and Chime enter the room did things become clear. With each other's help Ani and Isaac were able to reverse the psychic mind switches and restore balance to the room. Bjorn decided to try and talk to Simon again after this incident eliciting cries of "what the hell!?" and "I'm done!" from Rasp and Ani. The two individuals on polar ends of the ideological spectrum had been agreeing entirely too much. A pain and disease hardened individual bent on his own self preservation through mechanical replacement parts and a soft hearted person concerned with the life of her entire race kept settling on the same idea that the captain was off his nut.   Isaac was essentially ordered to stick around and make sure things don't go pear shaped again and Bjorn once again tried to communicate with the sphere. Simon did communicate but did so privately to Isaac telling him that he could teach him things to make him more efficient and in tune with the warp. With Simon's help, Isaac could supposedly fly on the warp trailed of the void like a bird. With ease rather than the unwieldly stone that was the ship, plunging headlong into the unknown. With a little conversation, Simon helped the crew get to Illisk with the fastest and easiest travel they had experienced to date, but Simon did say that he had found "another" like him and it waited for the "Eternal Perdition" in the Processional of the Damned.   Now orbiting Illisk the crew headed down to the chilled alien planet, it clearly had undergone some sort of terrible, planet-wide cataclysm but it was largely intact. Unsure if the attack was mechanical, biological or otherwise the crew exercised caution, Eve and Chime choosing to stay in orbit.   Bjorn flew the lander this time, finding a stable landing zone among the strange twisting tunnels and wires that enveloped the planet. He sat down next to a xeno transport vehicle, not dissimilar from a subway car on treaded wheels. The crew hopped in, Rasp essentially looked at the piloting apparatus funny in order to start it and the party was once again underway, headed towards the center of this planet to retrieve the strange device that could supposedly manipulate the warp in order to facilitate safer travel. What else were they bound to find in the dark depths of this alien tomb?

Rewards Granted

60 total xp
  • Ani +6xp (previous logs)
  • Bjorn +6xp (previous logs)
  • Isaac +4xp (previous logs and hidden plot found)
  • Murk +5xp (previous logs)
  • Rasp +1xp (previous haikus)
  • Stig +5xp (previous logs)

Missions/Quests Completed

Grasping hands from every corner of the Void - Part 1 & Part 2, objective 1 complete  
  • Ani - Getting past the visions of the future (begun - In process)
  • Bjorn - Darktide (begun - In process)
  • Isaac - The god-machine (Part 1, objective 1 complete)
  • Murk - A tail of two Waaagh! (begun, optional object 1 failed)
  • Rasp - Children of the Machine (begun - detoured)
  • Stig - The Jungles of Ash (begun - detoured - Objective 1 critical)
  • Character(s) interacted with

    Simon and Simon in Murk's body
    Clippy as a robotic doll and in Simon's orb
    Legacy of a Rogue
    B 4
    A 3
    I 2
    C 2
    W 2
    P 2
    Wounds 21/21
    Strain 13/13
    Soak 8
    Defence M1/R1
    Murc Boilah-Krusha
    B 5
    A 3
    I 1
    C 2
    W 3
    P 2
    Wounds 0/26
    Strain 4/13
    Soak 9
    Defence M1/R1
    Forge World
    B 3
    A 3
    I 4
    C 2
    W 3
    P 1
    Wounds /13
    Strain /13
    Soak 4
    Defence M1/R1
    Vanirach (Ani)
    B 2
    A 3
    I 3
    C 2
    W 2
    P 2
    Wounds 1/12
    Strain 0/12
    Soak 6
    Defence M1/R1
    Report Date
    22 Dec 2020
    Primary Location


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