Session XX: The shrine of St. Drusus - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session XX: The shrine of St. Drusus - Report

General Summary

The Crew was determined to help as few Imperial loyalists as possible along with everyone else. Perhaps it was born out of an acute sense of self preservation or perhaps it was spawned from being screwed too many times for caring but the team was not about to be waylaid by some nobody's request for aide when they had themselves to think about.    The overly self obsessed crew finally pulled up outside the back entrance to the fortress shrine to St. Drusus. With auger scans going wild they eventually found the hidden rear door passed the defenses. Murk accidentally pressed the enter key while examining the door opener and to his delight and the surprise of everyone else the large blast door lifted to reveal a long dark hallway.   Stig strode in, oblivious and rebellious to the possibility of danger. Everyone was equipped to handle to darkness in some fashion either the mechanical augmentation of the Mechanicus or the heightened senses of a xeno race or even holding a trusty flashlight the darkness gave little pause to the stalwart crew.   After closing the tunnel behind them and hoping for a miracle that no one would discover their empty Chimera the team marched on. Murk and Stig took point as their tough exteriors could take the most punishment by far. Luckily for Stig though, his friend Murk was more alert as the large Ork stopped the big man with a hand to his chest foisting him back a step as Stig was about to step on a trip mine.   Undaunted Stig shrugged off the mental images of his own demise like water off a duck and immediately help Murk gather up the mines which had been placed at wide intervals down the length of the tunnel. The PDF in their haste did not forget to guard their rear entrance it seems and the mines that were laid out were competently placed with a solid understanding of doing maximum damage with a limited resource.   The crew collected an even dozen mines in total as they made their way to the end of the tunnel. Upon reaching the other side they were confronted by yet another blast door before they were able to enter the shrine itself. The team sat in the darkness and pondered the code in the multitude of way that they knew to suss it out but no answers came. The mood was tense and Rasp even said "oh well, I guess we'll just have to leave this blasphemous xeno relic to it's fate."    At that moment Ani tried to scan the minds of her human compatriots looking for some obscure clue in their subconscious that might open the door. When she started to scan Stig it must of shaken something loose because as the numbers off the code came into mind Stig merrily typed a number in to the key pad as a joke. Clearly the guardsman who set the code had a similar sense of strangely juvenile humor as Stig fat fingered the numbers 8-0-0-8-5. Ani looked at the rest of the group disgusted as the gathered humans absolutely roiled with laughter. The large Ork was likewise confused by the reference as Orks like Murk were a strange amalgam of fungus and flesh. He scratched his head in confusion as the guffaws and yips from the knuckle-dragging members of the group marveled at the hilarious genius that was the code and the sheer amount of impotent rage that it engendered in Ani.   As the door opened the group got a good look at the sky again, this time from inside the courtyard of the shrine. A large impressive monastery was next to the and the group decided that it must be where the spear they were looking for was housed in. Guardsmen sat on the ground around the compound, backs leaning up against the giant curtainwall that surrounded to complex as though their mass could hold it. Up. They clutched standard PDF weaponry barely strong enough to bring down an Ork in hand as though their lasguns would be their salvation.   Bjorn told the two xeno to stay behind because he believed they would be in and out of the shrine before anyone knew any better but Ani and Isaac both divined that leaving the xeno behind would end badly as their return was less than certain and definitely not as in and out as Bjorn thought it would be. With that everyone headed to the entrance of the monastery after Ani cloaked Murk and herself to look like humans as an optical illusion that would trick the weak willed humans. The glamour held as the team reached the front entrance.   Upon getting inside the doors they witnessed a devout member of the Ecclesiarchy giving his sermon to the gathered PDF scattered about the inside of the chapel. The venerable priest droned on bringing all the fire and brimstone required for such and occasion to raise the spirits of the downtrodden guardsmen... and Rasp. As he finished his sermon and bid the men return to the walls to fight for humanity Rasp was equally obliged to ensure their survival and headed in the same direction.   Bjorn struck up a conversation with the priest and eventually after some convincing and a small does of brain cancer provided by the Eldar Psyker the ecclesiarch was likewise enamored with the idea of fighting the good fight in the name of the glorious emperor. After relocating Rasp the team was ready to enter the crypts below but as they did so Isaac realized that the chapel was the place in his most recent prognostication and that everything was coming to a head. As that happened a cry of joy and excitement rose up from the planetary defense force outside as space marines began descending towards the shrine from orbit, their unmistakable fiery contrails visible to the named eye as the avenging angels of the emperor began to arrive.   The team took the opportunity using the distraction to slip beneath the shrine, and begin exploring for the spear in earnest. The crypts were dark and damp, not unlike a certain Ork crewmember's room. The dankness and cold reminded the team of where they actually were. Isaac had divined the location of the spear and routed our the best was to their prize. Along the way the team faced, strange squid-like creatures that lurked in the foggy haze of the rooms and some nasty bug chewed at Murk some. Traps were set off and walls that probably shouldn't have been destroyed were torn apart. All said and done Murk was carrying one less mine when they reached the stairs to descend even further.   All they could hear from their current vantage point was a insistent loud banging. The followed the stairs into a deeper darkness.

Rewards Granted

  • +3 xp
  • 77 total xp
  • Ani +10xp (previous logs)
  • Bjorn +10xp (previous logs)
  • Isaac +5xp (previous logs and hidden plot found)
  • Murk +6xp (previous logs)
  • Rasp +1xp (previous haikus)
  • Stig +10xp (previous logs)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The Milk Run (Completed)
  • Grasping hands from every corner of the Void - Part 1 & Part 2 complete Part 3 (In process)
  • Ani - Getting past the visions of the future (Part 1 complete, Part 2 - In process)
  • Bjorn - Darktide (begun - Part 1, optional objective 1 failed, Part 2 - In process)
  • Isaac - The god-machine (Part 1 & 2 complete, Part 3 - In process)
  • Murk - A tail of two Waaagh! (begun, optional object 1 failed, Part 2 - In process)
  • Rasp - Children of the Machine (begun - detoured - Objective 1 critical, Objective 2 failed.)
  • Stig - The Jungles of Ash (begun - detoured - Objective 1 failed, Part 2 - In process)

Created Content

Damaris Wraith

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Primary Location


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