Session XXII: Shit, meet fan - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session XXII: Shit, meet fan - Report

General Summary

The marines strode triumphantly through the portal as the crew looked on in fear and awe at the hulking monstrosities that used to be incorruptible bastions of faith to the emperor. Everything they were now was the antithesis to those lost ideals.   With surgical precision the three marines led by the Chosen of Slaanesh took up firing positions sending bolts that exploded into Ani and narrowly missed Bjorn. Just behind them Isaac was struck directly and knocked unconscious by the incredible force of their weapons. Things were quickly turning and the group sensed that their momentum had slipped. All hands intimated that retreat was the better part of valor.   All except for one, of course. Rasp hurtled himself towards the still present handful of Orks that had been the command squad of the Warboss Vorgraz Ironboilah. The machine priest's rage towards the greenskins was inconsolable. Perhaps he was taking out long bottled aggression towards the good natured brick shithouse known as Murk. Perhaps he was just racist. Perhaps he wanted to be contrarian to what everyone else was doing. Whatever the case Rasp charged forward heedlessly of the danger and stabbed his pointy mechadendrites in the nearest Ork boy.    In it's rush to escape the 'spikey tin can humies' the Ork barely registered the light damage his left hand had taken from Rasp's wild swinging attack and all the Orks were in full retreat. Stig saw the insanity in Rasp's eyes and took a slant route to scooping up the Mechanicus acolyte.  Rasp flailed wildly but ineffectually at the big man's ironclad grip and the fleshy freight train rolled onward back toward the stairs the crew had entered from keeping cover between him and the Chaos marines.   Ani retreated towards the stairs directly first but on her way she concentrated on bringing down the portal that was creating a multidimensional bridge between the immaterium and reality. Her concentration was somewhat rewarded as she sent a bolt of psychic energy into the rift and managed to disperse the gathered demons there. Stig bouldered on towards the stair case himself, hoofing it from the furthest away. Bjorn decided to get creative and use his jetpack to propel himself to safety, but safety was not reached. The captain launched himself uncontrollably into the side of the cave wall smashing himself pretty decently but still maintaining his feet afterward.   Murk likewise looked for escape, scooping up the unconscious Isaac as he went. The Chaos marines had taken up firing positions and were picking off the last few Orks as the Chosen marine continued to press on with his ballistic assault. This time Stig was hit pretty hard. The big man looked and the new crater in him and simply stated, 'ouch' as blood began to seep out of the mangled flesh around the impact site.   Bjorn was eventually able to successfully launch and land at the top of the stairs with his jetpack much to Ani and everyone's relief, the rest of the gang piled upward behind him trying to escape the implacable marine behind them. Something was being pushed through the portal as the group ascended the stairs. Eventually reaching the top of the stairs the team didn't hesitate to get out of the line of fire and was given a moment's respite from immediate danger after they passed through a familiar very tight section of corridor where previously they had been attacked by strange biting caterpillar-like insects. The now nearly constant rumbling of the earth had obviously spooked the little carnivores and they had burrowed deeper in the stone work, no longer posing a threat to the crew passing by their nests.   Rasp deigned to rouse Isaac from his unconscious state as the survivors didn't remember the way to the surface and hadn't taken any notes of the route they had taken through the catacombs to reach the spear beneath them. Isaac must of been shaken from being unconscious as he couldn't focus and summon up the exact image of the direction the group should go to escape to the surface.   Luckily for Isaac though he faked it till he made it. He hung a couple of right turns hoping to bringing up his power and get back on track without alerting the crew that they were lost for the moment. The group wound up in front of an old wooden door. Ani immediately pointed out the fact that they hadn't passed any doors on the way in but she reluctantly opened it and looked inside. They were standing at the near bottom of an old well that did ascend upward tot he surface.   Wasting no time, Bjorn tried to be a hero and grabbed ahold of Ani to rocket boost themselves out of the labyrinth superman style. To Bjorn's surprise and Ani's detriment the naval officer turned Rogue trader miscalculated the necessary thrust needed to clear the well and instead rag-dolled and ping ponged all over the inside of the well with Ani. The two smashed into the stone brick hard enough to knock themselves out and the thrust carried the captain out of the hold completely, leaving two unconscious bodies on the surface, outside at the wellhead.   After some struggle the others were able to climb out as well. To further make the issues facing the team convoluted, Ani was now unconscious so was unable to glamour herself and Murk into looking like humans. As Murk was about to crest above the top of the well a Red Hunter Space Marine strode by and while he didn't notice the Ork in the dried up well he did notice the inhuman features of the shapely Eldar maiden laying on the ground. With nary a hesitation her scooped her up, shouldered the light weight creature and strode onward to battle.   After a moment of slack jawed surprise Stig stepped forward and flashed the marine his now very defunct inquisitorial rosette.  He asked that the Eldar woman be returned to his custody so she could be processed. With that brilliant display of trickery the space marine nearly bowed to a mere mortal and wished him well on his journey and giving thanks to the emperor to have been able to serve the inquisition.   Rasp struggled to not say something but was able to tamp down his disdain for the xeno filth enough to look to the Omnisiah for guidance. As efficiency was the word of the day he decided to allow the Eldar back into his company. He did strip the jetpack off of Bjorn however and chucked it back down the well as the pack had created too many opportunities for bad things to happen.   From that point on the team escaped out the tunnel system they used to enter the shrine-monastery. The driving antics of Murk and Stig caused the power train to break on the war-tested Chimera and Rasp was forced to fix it in the limited means available to him at that time. He replaced the engine with new parts fashioned from the vehicle itself. The armor of the troop carrier took a hit from the new use but the team was able to make it back to friendly lines, locate their Sky Talon - Valkyrie and leave the planet without further incident. As they left they did in fact try to warn the imperium about the chaos insurgence but it appeared like word had already gotten out as the two fronted war was quickly become a three way conflict.   Back onboard the perdition Eve was waiting and she was pissed she yelled at everyone, especially Ani and tried to drag Bjorn off to the medbay. Or so she said. Bjorn wasn't having it though and shook her off, annoyed. Eve gave the captain a started and offended look and she stormed off in the direction of her room. The team started to discuss their next move. Bjorn was getting restless about starting his dynasty in earnest and Rasp was getting nervous about getting his issue solved in time.   To be continued...

Rewards Granted

  • +5 xp
  • 88 total xp
  • Ani +11xp (previous logs)
  • Bjorn +11xp (previous logs)
  • Isaac +5xp (previous logs and hidden plot found)
  • Murk +6xp (previous logs)
  • Rasp +1xp (previous haikus)
  • Stig +11xp (previous logs)

Missions/Quests Completed

Completed Missions

  • The Milk Run (Completed)
  • Murk - A tail of two Waaagh! (Completed)
  • Ani - Getting past the visions of the future (Complete)

Active Missions

  • Grasping hands from every corner of the Void - Part 1 & Part 2 complete Part 3 (In process)
  • Bjorn - Darktide (begun - Part 1, optional objective 1 failed, Part 2 Complete, Part 3 - In process)
  • Isaac - The god-machine (Part 1 & 2 complete, Part 3 - In process)
  • Rasp - Children of the Machine (begun - detoured - Objective 1 critical, Objective 2 failed.)
  • Stig - The Jungles of Ash (begun - detoured - Objective 1 failed, Part 2 - In process)

Character(s) interacted with

Agonak Cinderbliss - Murderous Prince of the Binding Delirium

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Report Date
18 Feb 2021
Primary Location


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