Session XXXII: Battle at the gates to the galaxy - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session XXXII: Battle at the gates to the galaxy - Report

General Summary

The Crew was set on where they planned to enter the city. The only thing standing between them and getting off this rock was a small cadre of Necron warriors and a single Immortal. The team split into three smaller groups to try an draw their fire rather than letting them all focus on the entire party. Bjorn and Ani formed a group with the heavy stubber squad of Imperial Guardsmen that had thus far survived. Murk and Stig formed the front line squad that would see the most intense fighting. Rasp volunteered to be with them as well as the only dedicated medic on the team and his own terrible racism to propel him into the jaws of the fight headfirst. The third team consisted of Brother Alfonse, Isaac and the two remaining squads of IG, sans a heavy stubber. They formed up on the rock ridges above the valley where the fighting would take place.   They hoped the high ground and rocks would shield them from the brunt of the Necron's gauss weapons. Everyone held their collective breath and on a visual silent count from Bjorn leapt into action. They caught the Necron's by surprise and laid into them putting a couple down including the Immortal in the first volley of fire as Stig and Murk alongside Rasp raced to the front to join battle in hand to hand.   What started well thought dragged on into a bloody fight that stretched their abilities and manpower thin. Murk and Stig took serious wounds but Rasp was true to his word and patched them up. As the battle was at a tipping point the evil robots were climbing the hill that occupied Bjorn and Ani. A team of Guardsmen were incinerated and Ani went down. Bjorn was hit hard also and Rasp was force to retreat back to helping the captain up. Brother Alfonse was largely ineffectual in the beginning of the fight except being an excellent bullet sponge but in the end he got over forgetting how to be a space marine and racked up a few kills of his own. He escaped combat with a few scrapes and bruises but nothing to write home about.    In the end Murk and Stig were indominable and crushed the remaining Necron forces that stood in their way. The team made it to the wall of the city but the main gates stayed closed. It was likely anyone inside couldn't hear the team pounding on the doors apart from the intense battle din that still surrounded them. They decided to scale the wall. Bjorn vaguely recalled a jetpack but the Crew assured him that was some drug induced dream he was misremembering and got out a trusty, reliable rope. Well sort of at least.   There were some trouble scaling the wall but in the end the doors to the city were opened just long enough to allow the survivors of the battle to slip into the city unnoticed. Now that the team was once again in downtown planetary apocalypse they moved quickly to finding their way off planet. They found out where the Planetary Governor, Manfred Von Burga was stowing his ship away for safe keeping and realized thanks to Isaac's psychic visions that he was waiting for something before leaving planet. The team needed to decide if they should collect Von Burga and learn what he was waiting for or leave planet immediately with or without it or try and take whatever the Governor was waiting for without really knowing what they might be waiting for themselves.

Rewards Granted

  • +2 xp
  • 115 total xp
  • Ani +15xp (previous logs)
  • Bjorn +15xp (previous logs)
  • Isaac +6xp (previous logs and hidden plot found)
  • Murk +9xp (previous logs)
  • Rasp +1xp (previous haikus)
  • Stig +18xp (previous logs)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The Milk Run (Completed)
  • Murk - A tail of two Waaagh! (Completed)
  • Ani - Getting past the visions of the future (Complete)
  • Grasping hands from every corner of the Void - (Completed)
  • The Yve of Destruction - Phase 1
  • Bjorn - Darktide (begun - Part 1, optional objective 1 failed, Part 2 Complete, Part 3 - In process)
  • Isaac - The god-machine (Part 1 & 2 complete, Part 3 - In process)
  • Rasp - Children of the Machine (begun - detoured - Objective 1 Complete, Objective 2 failed, Objective 3, - Complete, Objective 4 - Paused.)
  • Stig - The Jungles of Ash (begun - detoured - Objective 1 failed, Part 2 - In process)

Character(s) interacted with

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Report Date
24 May 2021
Primary Location


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