Session XXXVII: Back to the Galaxy - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session XXXVII: Back to the Galaxy - Report

General Summary

The Crew had been ordered by the Captain to do a hard target search of the entire ship. To get better acquainted with the massive vessel the "Eternal Perdition" and uncover what secrets she still held. They moved as a team through her ancient vaults. Exploring dusty and forgotten holds and moving through the choking corridors of the lower decks.   It wasn't long before the group noticed a great many of the crew on the lower decks hid their faces or would turn and walk the other way when they saw the Captain and his men approaching. Rasp quickly discovered that there was a burgeoning population of mutants onboard the Perdition. Like so many ships of the imperium the worst jobs were left to the already most undesirable crew. Maybe they had been exposed to too many caustic chemicals or maybe the years of poor working conditions had manifested on their bodies or perhaps even that the hexagramic wards had weakened here in the lowest parts of the ship or the Gellar fields had been pushed back enough to allow the warp to seep in and change the unfortunate men and women that called this part of the ship home, but whatever the case, the crew here was decidedly mutated.   Rasp was having none of it and continued to voice his displeasure of the holy human form being corrupted yet more than the Omnisiah allowed and made loud statements to the fact that they should be vented to space or burned for being what they were. The captain didn't take a firm stance immediately which only encouraged the incensed tech-priest on with his xenophobic comments.   The captain had ordered everyone down here to remove potential problems and everyone agreed it was necessary but the verdict on what to do with the mutants was clearly hung at the moment among the group. Everyone had come down to the lower decks for the same purpose except for one member of the group. Murk knew his birthing tube or vat or whatever was down here somewhere and he intended to find it. The big Ork could care less if there were "weird humies" on board as he put it. If they did the job then they were alright in his book.   With no violence actively happening Murk pushed onward and everyone else followed suit. Rasp was disquiet about the necessity of ridding the ship of the mutant scourge but was largely ignored and more dangerously, left to his own devices to plot for himself. Eventually conversation once again merged into a singular topic as the explorers moved aftward and found there way into a small cargo space beneath the engineerium that should have still been empty. It was save for two items that spelled trouble for the team. Sitting on the floor was a strange little idle that on it's face was not greatly disturbing nor intricate but it was clear to be an idol in worship to the ruinous powers and even more worrisome was symbol of chaos undivided that had been burned, etched and formed into the steel of the wall with great care. You didn't have to be psychic to know that this was acting as a homing beacon to the chaos gods and seemed a likely culprit as to explain how they always seemed to find the perdition on it's non-committal wanderings through the galaxy.  
After discovering the symbol worked into the bones of the Perdition, Brother Alfonse and Rasp decided to stay back and work to remove the symbol while the others moved on with exploring the ship for any other would-be surprises. Bjorn wasn't a fan of the jack-in-the-box sort of way problems had snuck up on him and he wasn't going to leave any parts of his ship unsearched to find other problems lying in wait. Murk took the idol and non-ceremoniously sent it out an airlock to solve that concern.   The crew moved toward the armored prow of the ship through the lower decks investigating every nook and cranny they had previously not peered into. Finally as they reach some of the last few rooms they stumbled upon what Stig could only describe as a 'fight club'. Two massive Ogryn guards barred the entrance and let none through without the proper phrase. Bjorn was in no mood for this and demanded entrance as captain. He got confused and indignant looks from the two moronic Ogryn by the door and they simply shook their head. Whether it was because they didn't understand or whether or not they were being insubordinate was still left to be questioned.    A functionary appeared not long after, hearing the commotion at the door and said that only new combatants could enter. Stig and Murk gave each other a knowing look and immediately stepped forward to enter the ring. Finding out what was going on was secondary now to having a good scrap inside. The others were barred from entrance and the two massive toughs of the group entered the ring as a tag team betting everything they had on hand on themselves.   The tournament they had agreed to enter was conducted in three rounds. They found themselves in a very thunderdome-esque situation. The ground was padded with sand with a massive cage over the top of the ring. All along the outsides were crewmen and women shouting for action and blood. Thrones were exchanging hands freely and the fights were without rules beyond the standard of kill or be killed.   The fights were quick from Stig and Murk's point of view. The first round offered no challenge for them but them was expected. The second round was an arena champion in black personal power armor that everyone in the crowd simply referred to as "killer". At the end of that round both Stig and Murk had gained a little respect for the man. One, for facing them alone while they were together and two, for getting a couple decent hits in unexpectedly. During and after the second round Murk and Stig noticed that the arena supervisor kept pressing buttons on his large throne and Murk spotted a camera imbedded into the chair itself. They were being watched and monitored from somewhere else.   The third and final round of their pit fight adventures was against a Killian's Bane a massive creature that was well known for having devoured a Rogue Trader of some repute on the planet of Burnscour. The fight was drawn out and the two struggled to keep their feet. In the end however the two expert fighters managed to win over the massive wyrm. Had it been in it's natural habitat and not confined to a ring or if it had been fighting only the one of them the story would of likely been very different but the day was won in favor of the two new champions of the ring, Murk and Stig. The massive container the wyrm had emerged from bore the seal of the serrated query a criminal enterprise that the group had stumbled upon more than once now. Murk and Stig didn't mention it to the others though hoping they would have a chance to fight more chiropteran monsters in the future. Also not mentioned to the captain or the others was the offer that was delivered to them through a projection above the ring after they had secured victory. A Drukhari, or Dark Eldar in low gothic, offered them a chance to fight in the pits of Commorragh, the Dark Eldar home world, hidden deep within the webway and existing at the edge of madness. The two would likely one day take the Eldar up on the offer but for now they had other matters to attend to.   While that was taking place in the previously unknown fighting pits aboard the Perdition, Bjorn had continued exploring onward and came across a section of the ship, not too far away from the fighting pits, that had been remade into an impromptu Mechanicus temple from what he could tell. Rasp was still on the other side of the ship and Isaac and Ani still in tow couldn't tell the difference between the denominations of the Omniscian faith. It seemed as though the very busy seeming tech-priests were nearing the completion of a 'holy machine' that would purge the darkness from the ship. It was all shrouded in mystery but Bjorn did spy the machine in question and it was roughly the size of a space marine dreadnought if only a bit shorter.   When questioned, the man in charge, known as Ozmoginon Torquanid told the captain that the technicalities of the machine in question were far too complex for a man not read into the mysteries of the machine cult. Bjorn tried to confirm with Rasp and gave him the name of the tech-priest claiming to be in control of the project here and Rasp confirmed that Ozmoginon was a tech-priest in his cagey sort of way.  Bjorn felt as though he was missing something but couldn't put his finger on the pulse of the problem so in order to not upset the Mechanicus savants he stepped away from the issue. Ani was very vocal about being uncomfortable with the issue at hand but Bjorn largely ignored her as he had grown accustomed to the Eldar's frequent doubt of the things happening around her. He likely thought she was simply overreacting since she was a woman or she didn't understand imperial culture as an Eldar. It was probably a mix of the two but he didn't need to stick around to listen to it.   When all was said and done the ship had been explored but Ani was quick to point out that the team had fail to as of yet uncover Murk's place of birth or find any leftover spawning tubes that would of been left in a mechanis biologis' lab. For now the origins of Murk remain clouded in mystery but the greenskin has yet to give up. Regardless the crew thought they had done their due diligence in exploring and once again launched from Port Wander to head into the Koronus Expanse and find Yve. The first stop was Footfall as the captain figured it would be as good a place as any to find potential information about the passage of an ancient light cruiser captained by a rogue Aeldari woman. Plus the team could use some new friends as their travels had seemed to create a laundry list of enemies and it was time to renew old acquaintances.  Bjorn was exhausted from everything and handed the con over to Ani, as he retired to his quarters leaving the baffled Eldar woman behind to run the show.   Seeing no reason to delay she launched into the warp with the perdition once again, spinning three times in her chair for good luck and hoping it would be good enough till the captain awoke again. The trip through the warp yielded some strange results so perhaps it worked and perhaps it didn't. Find out next time what befell our trouble prone crew.

Rewards Granted

  • +5 xp
  • 132 total xp
  • Ani +16xp (previous logs)
  • Bjorn +15xp (previous logs)
  • Isaac +6xp (previous logs and hidden plot found)
  • Murk +9xp (previous logs)
  • Rasp +1xp (previous haikus)
  • Stig +23xp (previous logs)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The Milk Run (Completed)
  • Murk - A tail of two Waaagh! (Completed)
  • Ani - Getting past the visions of the future (Complete)
  • Grasping hands from every corner of the Void - (Completed)
  • Stig - The Jungles of Ash (Completed)
  • The Yve of Destruction - (Phase 1 - Complete, Phase 2 - In process)
  • Bjorn - Darktide (begun - Part 1, optional objective 1 failed, Part 2 Complete, Part 3 - In process)
  • Isaac - The god-machine (Part 1 & 2 complete, Part 3 - In process)
  • Rasp - Children of the Machine (begun - detoured - Objective 1 Complete, Objective 2 failed, Objective 3, - Complete, Objective 4 - Paused.)

Character(s) interacted with

  • Ozmoginon Torquanid - Precision Trifactor of the Numinous Modulator
  • Killian's Bane

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Report Date
16 Jul 2021
Primary Location


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