The Crow Spirits Organization in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

The Crow Spirits

Ever since humanity has ventured into the Koronus Expanse, the Crow Spirits have struck at them with unerring precision and a cold and calculating wrath that seems to possess no source nor be directed at any individual. Not every human to travel the Expanse is targeted, indeed only a minority suffers that misfortune; nor are those who voyage to worlds identified as having significance to the Eldar targeted consistently. Whatever guides their attacks and chooses their targets, it follows an unfathomable plan.

The Crow Spirits have become even more active in the last few decades, as if some part of their unknown plan was approaching a crucial point, or perhaps as if some event had spurred them to greater action. However, many of their recent actions have been just as perplexing as the pattern of their attacks. On a dozen occasions within the last thirty years, Crow Spirits ships have been sighted in direct and vicious conflict with ships of other Eldar. While such violence between different factions of Eldar is not unknown, the frequency and brutality of these battles is unsettling; what could drive the Eldar to turn on their own kind so aggressively?
Military, Space navy
Controlled Territories


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