Choir Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil


Choir is not only a world, but an area of space where, for no reason known to the Adeptus Mechanicus or any other learned body in the Imperium, ships resonate with whistles, screeches, musical tones, and endless atonal noise. The wordless howling resounds until starship crews are driven mad or flee the area entirely. Some say that, with a suitably warded calculance engine or data-sifter, one could find great secrets in the wailing noises of Choir, but most attribute it to the Ruinous Powers and do not venture into such a cursed area.

  Hidden deep within the nebulas and ringing cacophony lies the beating heart of Aeldari society within the Koronus Expanse. Choir is a hidden maiden world, shielded from the horrors of space around it by massive wraithbone structures on the planet that vibrate unsympathetically against the sounds of the void around the planet, countering their atonality, screeches and otherwise off-putting phenomena.
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