Emperor Rank/Title in Rokugan | World Anvil
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The Child of Heaven, the Emperor is a divine being, charged by Lady Sun with overseeing the mortal realm. The blood of literal gods—the Kami—runs through the veins of the Great Clans’ ruling families. The will of Tengoku organizes all of existence into a hierarchy. This system—the Celestial Order—is sacred and unquestionable, ordering both Heaven and the Emerald Empire.


Be the oldest heir of the previous emperor.


Must have completed Gempukku.


Coronation in Otosan Uchi.


Rokugan is a feudal society: all of the land belongs to the Emperor, who bestows the rights of stewardship on champions and lords within the Great Clans, who in turn pass on the tasks of administration to lesser-ranked samurai. All Imperial authority and patterns of life proceed from the Hantei, the Emperor, who is descended from divinity and sits on the Emerald Throne. He is attended primarily by his jeweled champions (the Emerald Champion in particular) and by the champions of the Great Clans.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Ancestral Sword of the Hantei.

Notable Holders

Hantei Jodan XXXVIII
Religious, Special
Alternative Naming
Child of Heaven
Source of Authority
Lady Sun and Lord Moon, the Heavens.
Length of Term
Until Death takes you, or until you abdicate.
First Holder
Past Holders
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