Hantei Kiri

Kiri is the eldest daughter of Hantei Seichi and his dead wife. Aside from knowing that she was a Kitsuki, Kiri remembers nothing about her mother--not even her name. It's just not brought up. Sometimes she wonders if her father didn't like her mother, but the question remains unanswered and quickly is packaged away under boxes of thoughts about medicine and how to innovate potions.   Kiri is not void touched, but is close enough that the void reaches her. It causes her to zone out for periods of time and become very suggestible, and it causes her to spout random prophecies over dinner. She's come to accept these strange sides of herself, and has never really been made to feel bad about them in her family.   She tends to like giving her family members nicknames, although the To-san triplets are very difficult, as they are all "To-ma, To-ga, To-ya" and none of those shorten much to anything cute. She calls Mitsuru "Tsu-tsu", and Oridai, her younger brother, "Ori-chan"  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Heterosexual Submissive
Hantei Oridai