Hantei Oridai

Do you want to be freaks like us?
Keep on getting lost in the rush
Call it a habit, I gotta have it
Playing it safe is not enough
  While born with the touch of void, he showed no outward appearances of it, just like his father Hantei Seichi. Oridai chose to train in the dragon mountains to connect with his dead mother, and learned to be a chronicler of history there. He is an inquisitive person who tends to favor asking questions before interference.   He also has a tendency that he doesn't know he shares with his father for a certain amount of possessive behavior. He decided pretty early into his adulthood that he wanted his cousin Toturi Himeko for himself, and he has been working at getting her to agree ever since. Most of his actions began subtle, but Himeko's blatant attempts to ignore him when she got embarrassed forced his hand ever forward into the more and more bold.   Himeko knows he likes her now, and she likes him, but she gets flustered when he tells her what he wants to do to her--and he likes that, too.  



Oridai is blessed with a Sixth sense that guides him to strange occurrences, a flair for gossip, and a love for various kinds of tea. Even amongst the Spider, he is compassionate toward others of lower caste--trained, as he was, by the Dragon Clan. He is inquisitive and brilliant, with a flair for reasoning.  


Oridai likes the open. Ever since he was a child, he didn't like being in closed spaces, and that has only gradually grown as he gets older. In tight quarters, he starts to panic. He's also not good with money. Any stipend he gets goes through his fingers like water, and he has recently discovered he has a serious problem with jealousy. The moment he started liking Himeko, he stopped liking her being around anyone else who might also like her. He was somewhat sated by the fact that she didn't seem to respond to anyone else's flirtations, but the fact that she didn't respond to his irked him.  


Family Ties

Oridai didn't know his mother for very long. She died shortly into his life after giving birth to his younger brother, but he has not wanted for family love. After all, his aunts and uncles are all very close, and his father is frequently shepherded to the Palace to help Empress Kaia with matters dealing with the supernatural. He was practically raised by the Castellan Hantei Nariko herself as a stand-in mother figure, although he never was as close to her as his elder sister Hantei Kiri was.  

Social Aptitude

Oridai excels in social graces, and blends in well in even the most strict of crowds. He knows how to put on a face for any occasion, and his travels have taught him how to adapt to many different cultural etiquettes across the Empire. He is just as at home on a Dragon Mountain as he is in a Crane Court--and although they might resent him for being there, they won't catch him slipping up in any way they can hold against him.
Bisexual Dom
Hantei Kiri
1 boy
Long, Black, Upkept
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dragon Pale